package("boost") set_homepage("") set_description("Collection of portable C++ source libraries.") add_urls("$(version).tar.bz2", {version = function (version) return version .. "/source/boost_" .. (version:gsub("%.", "_")) end}) add_urls("$(version).tar.bz2", {version = function (version) return version .. "/boost_" .. (version:gsub("%.", "_")) end}) add_versions("1.72.0", "59c9b274bc451cf91a9ba1dd2c7fdcaf5d60b1b3aa83f2c9fa143417cc660722") add_versions("1.70.0", "430ae8354789de4fd19ee52f3b1f739e1fba576f0aded0897c3c2bc00fb38778") if is_plat("linux") then add_deps("bzip2", "zlib") end local libnames = {"filesystem", "fiber", "coroutine", "context", "thread", "regex", "system", "container", "exception", "timer", "atomic", "graph", "serialization", "random", "wave", "date_time", "locale", "iostreams"} add_configs("multi", { description = "Enable multi-thread support.", default = true, type = "boolean"}) for _, libname in ipairs(libnames) do add_configs(libname, { description = "Enable " .. libname .. " library.", default = (libname == "filesystem"), type = "boolean"}) end on_load("windows", function (package) local vs_runtime = package:config("vs_runtime") for _, libname in ipairs(libnames) do local linkname = "libboost_" .. libname if package:config("multi") then linkname = linkname .. "-mt" end if vs_runtime == "MT" then linkname = linkname .. "-s" elseif vs_runtime == "MTd" then linkname = linkname .. "-sgd" elseif vs_runtime == "MDd" then linkname = linkname .. "-gd" end package:add("links", linkname) end end) on_install("macosx", "linux", "windows", function (package) -- force boost to compile with the desired compiler local file ="user-config.jam", "a") if file then if is_plat("macosx") then file:print("using darwin : : %s ;", package:build_getenv("cxx")) elseif is_plat("windows") then file:print("using msvc : : %s ;", package:build_getenv("cxx")) else file:print("using gcc : : %s ;", package:build_getenv("cxx")) end file:close() end local bootstrap_argv = { "--prefix=" .. package:installdir(), "--libdir=" .. package:installdir("lib"), "--without-icu" } if is_host("windows") then os.vrunv("bootstrap.bat", bootstrap_argv) else os.vrunv("./", bootstrap_argv) end os.vrun("./b2 headers") local argv = { "--prefix=" .. package:installdir(), "--libdir=" .. package:installdir("lib"), "-d2", "-j4", "--hash", "--layout=tagged-1.66", "--user-config=user-config.jam", "--no-cmake-config", "-sNO_LZMA=1", "-sNO_ZSTD=1", "install", "threading=" .. (package:config("multi") and "multi" or "single"), "debug-symbols=" .. (package:debug() and "on" or "off"), "link=static" } local arch = package:arch() if arch == "x64" or arch == "x86_64" then table.insert(argv, "address-model=64") else table.insert(argv, "address-model=32") end if package:plat() == "windows" then local vs_runtime = package:config("vs_runtime") if vs_runtime and vs_runtime:startswith("MT") then table.insert(argv, "runtime-link=static") else table.insert(argv, "runtime-link=shared") end table.insert(argv, "cxxflags=-std:c++14") else table.insert(argv, "cxxflags=-std=c++14") end for _, libname in ipairs(libnames) do if package:config(libname) then table.insert(argv, "--with-" .. libname) end end os.vrunv("./b2", argv) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include #include #include #include using namespace boost::algorithm; using namespace std; static void test() { string str("a,b"); vector strVec; split(strVec, str, is_any_of(",")); assert(strVec.size()==2); assert(strVec[0]=="a"); assert(strVec[1]=="b"); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++14"}})) end)