package("blend2d") set_homepage("") set_description("2D Vector Graphics Engine Powered by a JIT Compiler") set_license("zlib") set_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("0.11.1", "f46d61b6aa477fea1a353a41f5906d4e861817ae059ed22fc6ecdd50ff859dd2") add_configs("jit", {description = "Enable JIT compiler support", default = true, type = "boolean"}) add_deps("cmake") if is_plat("linux", "bsd") then add_syslinks("pthread") end on_check("windows", function (package) import("core.tool.toolchain") local msvc = toolchain.load("msvc", {plat = package:plat(), arch = package:arch()}) if msvc and package:is_arch("arm.*") then local vs = msvc:config("vs") assert(vs and tonumber(vs) >= 2022, "package(blend2d/arm): need vs >= 2022") end end) on_load(function (package) if package:config("jit") then package:add("deps", "asmjit") end if not package:config("shared") then package:add("defines", "BL_STATIC") end end) on_install("!iphoneos", function (package) local configs = {} if package:config("jit") then table.insert(configs, "-DBLEND2D_EXTERNAL_ASMJIT=TRUE") table.insert(configs, "-DBLEND2D_NO_JIT=OFF") else table.insert(configs, "-DBLEND2D_NO_JIT=ON") end table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:is_debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBLEND2D_STATIC=" .. (package:config("shared") and "FALSE" or "TRUE")) local cxflags if package:is_plat("windows") and package:is_arch("arm.*") then cxflags = "-D__ARM_NEON" end import("").install(package, configs, {cxflags = cxflags}) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ void test() { BLImage img(480, 480, BL_FORMAT_PRGB32); BLContext ctx(img); ctx.setCompOp(BL_COMP_OP_SRC_COPY); ctx.fillAll(); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++11"}, includes = "blend2d.h"})) end)