package("zltoolkit") set_homepage("") set_description("A lightweight network framework based on C++11 that utilizes thread pool technology to achieve high concurrent network I/O.") set_license("MIT") set_urls("") add_versions("2023.7.8", "e4744a0a523817356f2ec995ee5a732264c31629") add_configs("mysql", {description = "Enable mysql support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("openssl", {description = "Enable openssl support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) if is_plat("windows") then add_configs("shared", {description = "Build shared library.", default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) end add_deps("cmake") on_load(function(package) local configdeps = {"mysql", "openssl"} for _, dep in ipairs(configdeps) do if package:config(dep) then package:add("deps", dep) end end end) on_install("linux", "windows", "macosx", function (package) local configs = {} table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:is_debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_MYSQL=" .. (package:config("mysql") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_OPENSSL=" .. (package:config("openssl") and "ON" or "OFF")) io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", "add_subdirectory(tests)", "", {plain = true}) io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", "$ENV{HOME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/lib", "lib", {plain = true}) io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", "$ENV{HOME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/include", "include", {plain = true}) import("").install(package, configs) if package:config("shared") then os.rm(path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "*.a")) else os.rm(path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "*.so")) os.rm(path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "*.dylib")) end end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ void test() { using namespace toolkit; mINI ini; ini[".dot"] = "dot-value"; } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++11"}, includes = {"Util/mini.h"}})) end)