package("cpp-httplib") set_homepage("") set_description("A C++11 single-file header-only cross platform HTTP/HTTPS library.") set_urls("$(version).zip", "") add_versions("0.8.5", "57d2a7e67ae6944292cd08cb16083463a93c7c139f6698560e872ade63b9b463") add_configs("ssl", { description = "Requires OpenSSL", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("zlib", { description = "Requires Zlib", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("brotli", { description = "Requires Brotli", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_deps("cmake") on_load(function (package) if package:config("ssl") then package:add("deps", "openssl") end if package:config("zlib") then package:add("deps", "zlib") end if package:config("brotli") then package:add("deps", "brotli") end end) on_install(function (package) if package:is_plat("android") then import("core.tool.toolchain") local ndk = toolchain.load("ndk", {plat = package:plat(), arch = package:arch()}) local ndk_sdkver = ndk:config("ndk_sdkver") assert(ndk_sdkver and tonumber(ndk_sdkver) >= 24, "package(httplib): need ndk api level >= 24 for android") end local configs = {} table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DHTTPLIB_REQUIRE_OPENSSL=" .. (package:config("ssl") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DHTTPLIB_REQUIRE_ZLIB=" .. (package:config("zlib") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DHTTPLIB_REQUIRE_BROTLI=" .. (package:config("brotli") and "ON" or "OFF")) import("").install(package, configs) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include static void test() { httplib::Client cli(""); } ]]}, {includes = "httplib.h",configs = {languages = "c++11"}})) end)