# Contributing If you discover issues or want to contribute a new package, please report them to the [issue tracker][1] of the repository or submit a pull request. Please, try to follow these guidelines when you do so. ## Issue reporting * Check that the issue has not already been reported. * Check that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest code (a.k.a. `master`). * Be clear, concise and precise in your description of the problem. * Open an issue with a descriptive title and a summary in grammatically correct, complete sentences. * Include any relevant code to the issue summary. ## Pull requests * Use a topic branch to easily amend a pull request later, if necessary. * Write good commit messages. * Use the same coding conventions as the rest of the project. * Ensure your edited codes with four spaces instead of TAB. * About how to make a package, please see [Create and Submit packages to the official repository](https://xmake.io/#/package/remote_package?id=submit-packages-to-the-official-repository) # 贡献代码 如果你发现一些问题或者想贡献一个新的包 那么你可以在[issues][1]上提交反馈,或者发起一个提交代码的请求(pull request). ## 问题反馈 * 确认这个问题没有被反馈过 * 确认这个问题最近还没有被修复,请先检查下 `master` 的最新提交 * 请清晰详细地描述你的问题 * 如果发现某些代码存在问题,请在issue上引用相关代码 ## 提交代码 * 请先更新你的本地分支到最新,再进行提交代码请求,确保没有合并冲突 * 编写友好可读的提交信息 * 请使用与工程代码相同的代码规范 * 确保提交的代码缩进是四个空格,而不是tab * 为了规范化提交日志的格式,commit消息,不要用中文,请用英文描述 * 关于如何制作包,请参看文档:[制作和提交到官方仓库](https://xmake.io/#/zh-cn/package/remote_package?id=%e6%b7%bb%e5%8a%a0%e5%8c%85%e5%88%b0%e4%bb%93%e5%ba%93) [1]: https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake-repo/issues