package("stringzilla") set_kind("library", {headeronly = true}) set_homepage("") set_description("Up to 10x faster string search, split, sort, and shuffle for long strings and multi-gigabyte files in Python and C, leveraging SIMD with just a few lines of Arm Neon and x86 AVX2 & AVX-512 intrinsics 🦖") set_license("Apache-2.0") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("v1.2.2", "2e17c49965841647a1c371247f53b2f576e5fb32fe4b84a080d425b12f17703c") on_install("windows|x64", "linux|x86_64", "mingw|x86_64", "msys", function (package) os.cp("stringzilla/stringzilla.h", package:installdir("include")) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cxxfuncs("strzl_sort", {includes = "stringzilla.h", configs = {languages = "c++17"}})) end)