package("kokkos-kernels") set_homepage("") set_description("Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem: Math Kernels") set_license("Apache-2.0") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("4.2.01", "058052b3a40f5d4e447b7ded5c480f1b0d4aa78373b0bc7e43804d0447c34ca8") add_versions("4.0.01", "3f493fcb0244b26858ceb911be64092fbf7785616ad62c81abde0ea1ce86688a") if is_plat("windows") then add_configs("shared", {description = "Build shared library.", default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) end add_configs("cuda", {description = "Enable CUDA support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_deps("cmake") on_load("windows|x64", "macosx", "linux", function (package) if package:config("cuda") then package:add("deps", "cuda") package:add("deps", "kokkos", {configs = {cuda = true}}) else package:add("deps", "kokkos") end end) on_install("windows|x64", "macosx", "linux", function (package) if package:is_plat("windows") then local vs = import("core.tool.toolchain").load("msvc"):config("vs") if tonumber(vs) < 2022 then raise("Your compiler is too old to use this library.") end end local configs = {} table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) if package:config("cuda") then table.insert(configs, "-DKokkosKernels_REQUIRE_DEVICES=CUDA") end import("").install(package, configs, {buildir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "kk-build")}) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include #include #include void test() { using EXSP = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace; using MESP = typename EXSP::memory_space; using CRS = KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix, void, int>; Kokkos::initialize(); CRS A = KokkosSparse::Impl::kk_generate_diag_matrix(1000); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++17"}})) end)