package("minifb") set_homepage("") set_description("MiniFB is a small cross platform library to create a frame buffer that you can draw pixels in") set_license("MIT") add_urls("") add_versions("2022.11.12", "5312cb7ca07115c918148131d296864b8d67e2d7") add_deps("cmake") add_configs("shared", {description = "Build shared library.", default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) if is_plat("windows") then add_configs("vs_runtime", {description = "Set vs compiler runtime.", default = "MD", readonly = true}) end if is_plat("macosx") then add_frameworks("CoreFoundation", "Foundation", "AppKit", "MetalKit", "Metal") elseif is_plat("linux") then add_deps("libx11", "libxkbcommon") add_deps("glx", "opengl", {optional = true}) elseif is_plat("windows") then add_syslinks("gdi32", "opengl32", "user32", "winmm") end on_install("macosx", "linux", "windows", function (package) local configs = {"-DMINIFB_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF"} table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) local packagedeps if package:is_plat("linux") then packagedeps = {"libx11", "libxkbcommon", "glx", "opengl"} io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", 'set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "")', "", {plain = true}) io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", 'set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "")', "", {plain = true}) end import("").install(package, configs, {buildir = "build", packagedeps = packagedeps}) os.cp("include", package:installdir()) os.trycp("build/*.a", package:installdir("lib")) os.trycp("build/*.lib", package:installdir("lib")) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("mfb_update_ex", {includes = "MiniFB.h"})) end)