package("ginkgo") set_homepage("") set_description("Ginkgo is a high-performance linear algebra library for manycore systems, with a focus on solution of sparse linear systems.") set_license("BSD-3-Clause") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("v1.8.0", "421efaed1be2ef11d230b79fc68bcf7e264a2c57ae52aff6dec7bd90f8d4ae30") add_versions("v1.7.0", "f4b362bcb046bc53fbe2e578662b939222d0c44b96449101829e73ecce02bcb3") add_configs("openmp", {description = "Compile OpenMP kernels for CPU.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("cuda", {description = "Compile kernels for NVIDIA GPUs.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("hip", {description = "Compile kernels for AMD or NVIDIA GPUs.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("sycl", {description = "Compile SYCL kernels for Intel GPUs or other SYCL enabled hardware.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("jacobi_full", {description = "Use all the optimizations for the CUDA Jacobi algorithm.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) set_policy("", false) add_deps("cmake") on_load("windows", "macosx", "linux", function (package) if package:config("openmp") then package:add("deps", "openmp") end if package:config("cuda") then package:add("deps", "cuda", {configs = {utils = {"cublas", "cusparse"}}}) end if not (package:is_plat("windows") and package:config("shared")) then package:add("deps", "ninja") end -- TODO: add hip and sycl end) on_install("windows", "macosx", "linux", function (package) local configs = {"-DGINKGO_BUILD_TESTS=OFF", "-DGINKGO_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF", "-DGINKGO_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=OFF", "-DGINKGO_BUILD_REFERENCE=ON", "-DGINKGO_BUILD_MPI=OFF"} table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DGINKGO_BUILD_CUDA=" .. (package:config("cuda") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DGINKGO_BUILD_HIP=" .. (package:config("hip") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DGINKGO_BUILD_SYCL=" .. (package:config("sycl") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DGINKGO_BUILD_OMP=" .. (package:config("openmp") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DGINKGO_JACOBI_FULL_OPTIMIZATIONS=" .. (package:config("jacobi_full") and "ON" or "OFF")) local opt = {} if not (package:is_plat("windows") and package:config("shared")) then opt.cmake_generator = "Ninja" end import("").install(package, configs, opt) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include void test() { const auto exec = gko::ReferenceExecutor::create(); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++17"}})) end)