package("actor-framework") set_homepage("") set_description("An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++") set_license("BSD-3-Clause") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("0.19.2", "aa3fcc494424e0e20b177125458a6a6ed39c751a3d3d5193054e88bdf8a146d2") add_configs("profiler", {description = "Enable experimental profiler API", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("runtime_checks", {description = "Build CAF with extra runtime assertions", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("exceptions", {description = "Build CAF with support for exceptions", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("io", {description = "Build legacy networking I/O module", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("net", {description = "Build networking I/O module", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("openssl", {description = "Build OpenSSL module", default = false, type = "boolean"}) if is_plat("windows") then add_syslinks("iphlpapi") elseif is_plat("linux", "bsd") then add_syslinks("pthread") elseif is_plat("macosx") then add_extsources("brew::caf") end add_deps("cmake") on_load(function (package) if package:config("net") or package:config("openssl") then package:add("deps", "openssl") end end) on_install("windows", "linux", "macosx", "bsd", function (package) local configs = { "-DCAF_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=OFF", "-DCAF_ENABLE_TESTING=OFF", "-DCAF_ENABLE_TOOLS=OFF", } table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:is_debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_ACTOR_PROFILER=" .. (package:config("profiler") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_RUNTIME_CHECKS=" .. (package:config("runtime_checks") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS=" .. (package:config("exceptions") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_IO_MODULE=" .. (package:config("io") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_NET_MODULE=" .. (package:config("net") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DCAF_ENABLE_OPENSSL_MODULE=" .. (package:config("openssl") and "ON" or "OFF")) import("").install(package, configs) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include #include #include using namespace caf; void test(event_based_actor* self, const actor& buddy) { self->request(buddy, std::chrono::seconds(10), "Hello World!") .then([=](const std::string& what) { aout(self) << what << std::endl; }); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++17"}})) end)