package("x264") set_homepage("") set_description("A free software library and application for encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC compression format.") set_license("GPL-2.0") add_urls("", "") add_versions("v2024.02.27", "c24e06c2e184345ceb33eb20a15d1024d9fd3497") add_versions("v2023.04.04", "eaa68fad9e5d201d42fde51665f2d137ae96baf0") add_versions("v2021.09.29", "66a5bc1bd1563d8227d5d18440b525a09bcf17ca") add_versions("v2018.09.25", "545de2ffec6ae9a80738de1b2c8cf820249a2530") add_configs("cli", {description = "enable cli", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("bashcompletion", {description = "enable installation of bash-completion script", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("opencl", {description = "enable OpenCL features", default = true, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("gpl", {description = "enable GPL-only features", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("thread", {description = "enable multithreaded encoding", default = true, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("interlaced", {description = "enable interlaced encoding support", default = true, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("bit-depth", {description = "set output bit depth", default = "all", value = {8, 10, "all"}}) add_configs("chroma-format", {description = "output chroma format", default = "all", value = {400, 420, 422, 444, "all"}}) -- Advanced options add_configs("asm", {description = "enable platform-specific assembly optimizations", default = true, type = "boolean"}) -- External library support add_configs("avs", {description = "enable avisynth support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("swscale", {description = "enable swscale support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("lavf", {description = "enable libavformat support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("ffms", {description = "enable ffmpegsource support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("gpac", {description = "enable gpac support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("lsmash", {description = "enable lsmash support", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("toolchains", {readonly = true, description = "Set package toolchains only for cross-compilation."}) if is_plat("wasm") then add_configs("shared", {description = "Build shared library.", default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) end if is_plat("linux", "macosx", "bsd") then add_syslinks("pthread", "dl") end add_deps("nasm") on_load(function (package) if is_subhost("windows") and os.arch() == "x64" then local msystem = "MINGW" .. (package:is_targetarch("i386", "x86", "i686") and "32" or "64") package:add("deps", "msys2", {configs = {msystem = msystem, base_devel = true}}) end if package:config("shared") then package:add("defines", "X264_API_IMPORTS") end end) on_install("!iphoneos and !bsd", function (package) if is_host("windows") then io.replace("Makefile", "ln -f -s $(SONAME) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libx264.$(SOSUFFIX)", "mv $(SONAME) libx264.$(SOSUFFIX)", {plain = true}) io.replace("Makefile", "$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SONAME) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)", "$(INSTALL) -m 755 libx264.$(SOSUFFIX) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)", {plain = true}) end if package:is_plat("android") and package:is_arch("armeabi-v7a") then local ndk_sdkver = package:toolchain("ndk"):config("ndk_sdkver") if ndk_sdkver and tonumber(ndk_sdkver) < 24 then io.replace("configure", "define fseek fseek", "", {plain = true}) io.replace("configure", "define ftell ftell", "", {plain = true}) end end local configs = {} table.insert(configs, "--enable-" .. (package:config("shared") and "shared" or "static")) table.insert(configs, "--" .. (package:is_debug() and "enable" or "disable") .. "-debug") table.insert(configs, "--" .. (package:config("lto") and "enable" or "disable") .. "-lto") table.insert(configs, "--" .. (package:config("pic") and "enable" or "disable") .. "-pic") if package:is_plat("wasm") then table.insert(configs, "--host=i686-gnu") package:config_set("asm", false) package:config_set("cli", false) elseif package:is_plat("android") then local ndk_bindir = package:toolchain("ndk"):config("bindir") ndk_bindir = path.unix(assert(ndk_bindir)) .. "/llvm-" table.insert(configs, "--cross-prefix=" .. ndk_bindir) elseif package:is_plat("mingw") then local triples = { i386 = "i686-w64-mingw32", x86_64 = "x86_64-w64-mingw32" } table.insert(configs, "--host=" .. (triples[package:arch()] or triples.i386)) if not is_host("windows") then package:config_set("asm", false) end end for name, value in pairs(package:configs()) do if not package:extraconf("configs", name, "builtin") then if type(value) == "boolean" then table.insert(configs, "--" .. (value and "enable" or "disable") .. "-" .. name) else table.insert(configs, "--" .. name .. "=" .. value) end end end local opt = {} if package:is_plat("windows") then import("core.base.option") import("core.tool.toolchain") local msvc = package:toolchain("msvc") or toolchain.load("msvc", {plat = package:plat(), arch = package:arch()}) assert(msvc:check(), "msvs not found!") io.replace("configure", "x264.dll.lib", "x264.lib", {plain = true}) -- keep msys2 envs in front to prevent conflict with possibly installed sh.exe local envs = os.joinenvs(os.getenvs(), msvc:runenvs()) envs.CC = path.filename(package:build_getenv("cc")) envs.SHELL = "sh" table.insert(configs, "--toolchain=msvc") table.insert(configs, "--prefix=" .. path.unix(package:installdir())) opt.envs = envs end import("").install(package, configs, opt) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("x264_encoder_open", {includes = {"stdint.h", "x264.h"}})) end)