package("skia") set_homepage("") set_description("A complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images.") set_license("BSD-3-Clause") local commits = {["88"] = "158dc9d7d4cafb177b99b68c5dc502f8f4282092", ["89"] = "109bfc9052ce1bde7acf07321d605601d7b7ec24", ["90"] = "adbb69cd7fe4e1c321e1526420e30265655e809c"} add_urls("$(version).zip", {version = function (version) return commits[tostring(version)] end}) add_versions("88", "3334fd7d0705e803fe2dd606a2a7d67cc428422a3e2ba512deff84a4bc5c48fa") add_versions("89", "b4c8260ad7d1a60e0382422d76ea6174fc35ce781b01030068fcad08364dd334") add_versions("90", "5201386a026d1dd55e662408acf9df6ff9d8c1df24ef6a5b3d51b006b516ac90") add_deps("gn", "python", "ninja", {kind = "binary"}) add_includedirs("include") add_includedirs("include/..") add_includedirs("include/ports") if is_plat("windows") then add_syslinks("gdi32", "user32", "opengl32") elseif is_plat("macosx") then add_frameworks("CoreFoundation", "CoreGraphics", "CoreText", "CoreServices") elseif is_plat("linux") then add_deps("fontconfig", "freetype >=2.10") add_syslinks("pthread", "GL", "dl", "rt") end add_links("skia") local components = {"gpu", "pdf", "nvpr"} for _, component in ipairs(components) do add_configs(component, {description = "Enable " .. component .. " support.", default = true, type = "boolean"}) end on_install("macosx", "linux", "windows", function (package) local args = {is_official_build = false, is_component_build = false, is_debug = package:debug(), is_shared_library = package:config("shared"), skia_enable_tools = false, skia_use_icu = false, skia_use_sfntly = true, skia_use_piex = true, skia_use_freetype = true, skia_use_system_freetype2 = package:is_plat("linux") and true or false, skia_use_harfbuzz = true, skia_use_libheif = true, skia_use_expat = true, skia_use_libjpeg_turbo_decode = true, skia_use_libjpeg_turbo_encode = true, skia_use_libpng_decode = true, skia_use_libpng_encode = true, skia_use_libwebp_decode = true, skia_use_libwebp_encode = true, skia_use_zlib = true} for _, component in ipairs(components) do args["skia_enable_" .. component] = package:config(component) end if package:is_arch("x86") then args.target_cpu = "x86" elseif package:is_arch("x64") then args.target_cpu = "x64" elseif package:is_arch("arm64") then args.target_cpu = "arm64" end if not package:is_plat("windows") then = package:build_getenv("cc") args.cxx = package:build_getenv("cxx") else args.extra_cflags = {(package:config("vs_runtime"):startswith("MT") and "/MT" or "/MD")} end if package:is_plat("macosx") then args.extra_ldflags = {"-lstdc++"} local xcode = import("core.tool.toolchain").load("xcode", {plat = package:plat(), arch = package:arch()}) args.xcode_sysroot = xcode:config("xcode_sysroot") end -- fix symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: EVP_KDF_ctrl, version OPENSSL_1_1_1b local LD_LIBRARY_PATH if package:is_plat("linux") and == "fedora" then LD_LIBRARY_PATH = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") if LD_LIBRARY_PATH then local libdir = os.arch() == "x86_64" and "/usr/lib64" or "/usr/lib" LD_LIBRARY_PATH = libdir .. ":" .. LD_LIBRARY_PATH end end -- patches io.replace("bin/fetch-gn", "import os\n", "import os\nimport ssl\nssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context\n", {plain = true}) os.vrunv("python", {"tools/git-sync-deps"}, {envs = {LD_LIBRARY_PATH = LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}) io.replace("gn/", "libs += [ \"pthread\" ]", "libs += [ \"pthread\", \"m\", \"stdc++\" ]", {plain = true}) io.replace("gn/toolchain/", "$shell $win_sdk/bin/SetEnv.cmd /x86 && ", "", {plain = true}) io.replace("third_party/externals/dng_sdk/source/dng_pthread.cpp", "auto_ptr", "unique_ptr", {plain = true}) io.replace("", 'executable%("skia_c_api_example"%) {.-}', "") -- set deps flags local cflags = {} local ldflags = {} if package:is_plat("linux") then for _, depname in ipairs({"fontconfig", "freetype"}) do local fetchinfo = package:dep(depname):fetch() if fetchinfo then for _, includedir in ipairs(fetchinfo.includedirs or fetchinfo.sysincludedirs) do table.insert(cflags, "-I" .. includedir) end for _, linkdir in ipairs(fetchinfo.linkdirs) do table.insert(ldflags, "-L" .. linkdir) end for _, link in ipairs(fetchinfo.links) do table.insert(ldflags, "-l" .. link) end end end end if #cflags > 0 then io.replace("gn/", "cflags = []", 'cflags = ["' .. table.concat(cflags, '", "') .. '"]', {plain = true}) end if #ldflags > 0 then io.replace("gn/", "ldflags = []", 'ldflags = ["' .. table.concat(ldflags, '", "') .. '"]', {plain = true}) end -- installation import("").build(package, args, {buildir = "out"})"include", package:installdir())"out") os.rm("obj") os.rm("*.ninja") os.rm("*.ninja*") os.rm("*.gn") if package:is_plat("windows") then"*.lib", package:installdir("lib")) os.trymv("*.dll", package:installdir("bin"))"*.exe", package:installdir("bin")) else"*.a", package:installdir("lib")) os.trymv("*.so", package:installdir("lib")) os.trymv("*.dylib", package:installdir("lib")) os.trymv("*", package:installdir("bin")) end end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ void test() { SkPaint paint; paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++14"}, includes = "core/SkPaint.h"})) end)