@ -6,26 +6,41 @@ package("vc-ltl5") |
add_urls("https://github.com/Chuyu-Team/VC-LTL5/releases/download/v$(version)/VC-LTL-$(version)-Binary.7z") |
add_versions("5.0.6", "e406f829f75d59c34ee1e34cb6e994eb7db0810123ae7196499f26df88bc0a6f") |
add_versions("5.0.7", "08555aca30b2f77a484534be0799cfed05bfdeb1d1e461d91576264d7123e687") |
local min_version_list = |
{ |
"5.1.2600.0", |
"5.2.3790.0", |
"6.0.6000.0", |
"6.2.9200.0", |
"10.0.10240.0", |
"10.0.19041.0", |
} |
add_configs("min_version", {description = "Windows Target Platform Min Version", default = "10.0.10240.0", type = "string", values = min_version_list}) |
add_configs("xp", {description = "Support windows xp", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("subsystem", {description = "Windows xp subsystem", default = "console", type = "string", values = {"console", "windows"}}) |
local default_min_version = "6.0.6000.0" |
if is_plat("windows") then |
if is_arch("x64", "x86") then |
default_min_version = "6.0.6000.0" |
elseif is_arch("arm") then |
default_min_version = "6.2.9200.0" |
elseif is_arch("arm64") then |
default_min_version = "10.0.10240.0" |
else |
raise("Unsupported architecture!") |
end |
end |
add_configs("min_version", {description = "Windows Target Platform Min Version", default = default_min_version, type = "string"}) |
add_configs("subsystem", {description = "Windows xp subsystem", default = "windows", type = "string", values = {"console", "windows"}}) |
add_configs("clean_import", {description = "Do not use ucrt apiset, such as api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll (for geeks)", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("openmp", {description = "Use openmp library", default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) |
add_configs("shared", {description = "Use vs_runtime", default = true, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) |
add_configs("debug", {description = "Use vs_runtime", default = true, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) |
on_load(function (package) |
if package:config("xp") then |
on_load("windows", function (package) |
import("core.tool.toolchain") |
-- check vs version |
local vs = toolchain.load("msvc"):config("vs") |
if tonumber(vs) < 2015 then |
cprint("${color.warning}vc-ltl5 only supports vc14.0 or later versions") |
end |
-- is xp? |
if package:config("min_version"):startswith("5") then |
if package:config("vs_runtime"):startswith("MD") then |
package:add("cxflags", "/Zc:threadSafeInit-") |
end |
local arch |
if package:is_arch("x86") then |
arch = "5.01" |
@ -41,6 +56,28 @@ package("vc-ltl5") |
end) |
on_install("windows", function (package) |
import("core.base.semver") |
-- Automatically adapt version |
local min_version = package:config("min_version") |
local semver_min_version = semver.match(min_version) |
if semver_min_version then |
if semver_min_version:ge("10.0.19041") then |
min_version = "10.0.19041.0" |
elseif semver_min_version:ge("10.0.10240") then |
min_version = "10.0.10240.0" |
elseif semver_min_version:ge("6.2.9200") then |
min_version = "6.2.9200.0" |
elseif semver_min_version:ge("6.0.6000") then |
min_version = "6.0.6000.0" |
else |
min_version = "5.1.2600.0" |
end |
else |
cprint("${color.warning}Invalid min_version, use default min_version") |
min_version = default_min_version |
end |
local platform |
if package:is_arch("x86") then |
platform = "Win32" |
@ -54,33 +91,37 @@ package("vc-ltl5") |
raise("Unsupported architecture!") |
end |
local bindir = "TargetPlatform/" .. package:config("min_version") |
local bindir = "TargetPlatform/" .. min_version |
os.cp("TargetPlatform/header", package:installdir("include"), {rootdir = "TargetPlatform"}) |
os.cp(bindir .. "/header", package:installdir("include"), {rootdir = "TargetPlatform"}) |
package:add("includedirs", path.join("include", "header")) |
package:add("includedirs", path.join("include", package:config("min_version"), "header")) |
package:add("includedirs", path.join("include", min_version, "header")) |
local libdir = path.join(bindir, "lib", platform) |
assert(os.isdir(libdir), "The architecture is not supported in this version") |
os.cp(libdir .. "/*.*", package:installdir("lib")) |
-- We do not need links, but xmake needs at least one links to add linkdirs |
package:add("links", "vc-ltl5") |
io.writefile("lib.cpp", "") |
io.writefile("xmake.lua", [[ |
target("vc-ltl5") |
set_kind("static") |
add_files("lib.cpp") |
]]) |
import("package.tools.xmake").install(package) |
local clean_import_dir = libdir .. "/CleanImport" |
if package:config("clean_import") and os.isdir(clean_import_dir) then |
os.cp(clean_import_dir, package:installdir("lib")) |
package:add("linkdirs", path.join("lib", "CleanImport")) |
package:add("linkdirs", "lib/CleanImport") |
package:add("linkdirs", "lib") |
end |
-- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/crt-library-features |
local vs_runtime = package:config("vs_runtime") |
local is_debug = vs_runtime:endswith("d") |
if vs_runtime:startswith("MT") then |
package:add("links", "libucrt" .. (is_debug and "d" or "")) |
package:add("links", "libvcruntime" .. (is_debug and "d" or "")) |
elseif vs_runtime:startswith("MD") then |
package:add("links", "ucrt" .. (is_debug and "d" or "")) |
package:add("links", "vcruntime" .. (is_debug and "d" or "")) |
-- We need at least one links in CleanImport dir |
package:add("links", "vc-ltl5-CleanImport") |
local old = os.cd(package:installdir("lib")) |
os.cp("vc-ltl5.lib", "CleanImport") |
os.mv("CleanImport/vc-ltl5.lib", "CleanImport/vc-ltl5-CleanImport.lib") |
os.cd(old) |
end |
end) |
@ -88,8 +129,10 @@ package("vc-ltl5") |
assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ |
#include <iostream> |
extern "C" extern int __LTL_vcruntime_module_type; |
void test() { |
std::cout << "Hello World!"; |
std::cout << "Hello World! LTL_vcruntime=" << __LTL_vcruntime_module_type; |
} |
]]})) |
end) |