@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package("icu4c") |
add_urls("https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-$(version)-src.tgz", {version = function (version) |
return (version:gsub("%.", "-")) .. "/icu4c-" .. (version:gsub("%.", "_")) |
end}) |
add_versions("73.2", "818a80712ed3caacd9b652305e01afc7fa167e6f2e94996da44b90c2ab604ce1") |
add_versions("73.1", "a457431de164b4aa7eca00ed134d00dfbf88a77c6986a10ae7774fc076bb8c45") |
add_versions("72.1", "a2d2d38217092a7ed56635e34467f92f976b370e20182ad325edea6681a71d68") |
add_versions("71.1", "67a7e6e51f61faf1306b6935333e13b2c48abd8da6d2f46ce6adca24b1e21ebf") |
@ -20,30 +21,49 @@ package("icu4c") |
if is_plat("mingw") then |
add_patches("72.1", path.join(os.scriptdir(), "patches", "72.1", "mingw.patch"), "9ddbe7f691224ccf69f8c0218f788f0a39ab8f1375cc9aad2cc92664ffcf46a5") |
add_patches("73.1", path.join(os.scriptdir(), "patches", "72.1", "mingw.patch"), "9ddbe7f691224ccf69f8c0218f788f0a39ab8f1375cc9aad2cc92664ffcf46a5") |
add_patches("73.2", path.join(os.scriptdir(), "patches", "72.1", "mingw.patch"), "9ddbe7f691224ccf69f8c0218f788f0a39ab8f1375cc9aad2cc92664ffcf46a5") |
end |
add_links("icutu", "icuio") |
if is_plat("mingw", "windows") then |
add_links("icuin", "icuuc", "icudt") |
else |
add_links("icui18n", "icuuc", "icudata") |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_deps("python 3.x", {kind = "binary"}) |
end |
if is_plat("linux") then |
add_syslinks("dl") |
end |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_deps("python 3.x", {kind = "binary"}) |
end |
on_load(function (package) |
local libsuffix = package:is_debug() and package:is_plat("mingw", "windows") and "d" or "" |
package:add("links", "icutu" .. libsuffix, "icuio" .. libsuffix) |
if package:is_plat("mingw", "windows") then |
package:add("links", "icuin" .. libsuffix, "icuuc" .. libsuffix, "icudt" .. libsuffix) |
else |
package:add("links", "icui18n" .. libsuffix, "icuuc" .. libsuffix, "icudata" .. libsuffix) |
end |
end) |
on_install("windows", function (package) |
import("package.tools.msbuild") |
local projectfiles = os.files("source/**.vcxproj") |
table.join2(projectfiles, path.join("source", "allinone", "allinone.sln"), os.files("source/**.props")) |
if package:is_cross() then |
-- icu build requires native tools |
local configs = {path.join("source", "allinone", "allinone.sln")} |
table.insert(configs, "/p:Configuration=Release") |
table.insert(configs, "/p:Platform=" .. os.arch()) |
msbuild.build(package, configs, {upgrade = projectfiles}) |
end |
local configs = {path.join("source", "allinone", "allinone.sln"), "/p:SkipUWP=True", "/p:_IsNativeEnvironment=true"} |
table.insert(configs, "/p:Configuration=" .. (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) |
table.insert(configs, "/p:Platform=" .. (package:is_arch("x64") and "x64" or "Win32")) |
import("package.tools.msbuild").build(package, configs) |
msbuild.build(package, configs, {upgrade = projectfiles}) |
local suffix = package:is_plat("arm") and "ARM" or "" |
if package:is_plat("*64") then |
suffix = suffix .. "64" |
end |
os.cp("include", package:installdir()) |
os.cp("bin*/*", package:installdir("bin")) |
os.cp("lib*/*", package:installdir("lib")) |
os.cp("bin" .. suffix .. "/*", package:installdir("bin")) |
os.cp("lib" .. suffix .. "/*", package:installdir("lib")) |
package:addenv("PATH", "bin") |
end) |