4 changed files with 492 additions and 43 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ |
set_xmakever("2.3.4") |
set_policy("build.across_targets_in_parallel", false) |
add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release") |
if is_mode("release") then |
add_cflags("-fomit-frame-pointer") |
add_cflags("-fno-stack-protector") |
end |
option("nojit") |
set_default(false) |
set_showmenu(true) |
option("fpu") |
set_default(true) |
set_showmenu(true) |
add_defines("LJ_ARCH_HASFPU=1", "LJ_ABI_SOFTFP=0") |
rule("dasc") |
set_extensions(".dasc") |
before_build_file(function(target, sourcefile) |
local outputdir = target:objectdir() |
if not os.isdir(outputdir) then |
os.mkdir(outputdir) |
end |
local argv = {"dynasm/dynasm.lua", "-LN"} |
if is_arch("x64", "x86_64", "arm64", "arm64-v8a", "mips64") then |
-- 64bits pointer |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "P64") |
end |
if target:opt("fpu") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "FPU") |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "HFABI") |
end |
-- jit is not supported on ios |
if not target:opt("nojit") and not is_plat("iphoneos", "watchos") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "JIT") |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "FFI") |
end |
if is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "WIN") |
end |
table.insert(argv, "-o") |
table.insert(argv, path.join(outputdir, "buildvm_arch.h")) |
table.insert(argv, sourcefile) |
os.vrunv(target:dep("minilua"):targetfile(), argv) |
target:add("includedirs", outputdir, {public = true}) |
end) |
rule("buildvm") |
before_build_files(function (target, sourcebatch) |
local buildvm = target:dep("buildvm") |
local outputdir = buildvm:objectdir() |
if not os.isdir(outputdir) then |
os.mkdir(outputdir) |
end |
local buildvm_bin = buildvm:targetfile() |
local sourcefiles = sourcebatch.sourcefiles |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "bcdef", "-o", "src/lj_bcdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "ffdef", "-o", "src/lj_ffdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "libdef", "-o", "src/lj_libdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "recdef", "-o", "src/lj_recdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "vmdef", "-o", "src/lj_vmdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "folddef", "-o", "src/lj_folddef.h", "src/lj_opt_fold.c"}) |
if is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
local lj_vm_obj = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.obj") |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "peobj", "-o", lj_vm_obj}) |
table.join2(target:objectfiles(), lj_vm_obj) |
else |
import("core.tool.compiler") |
local lj_vm_asm = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.S") |
local lj_vm_obj = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.o") |
local march |
if is_plat("macosx", "iphoneos", "watchos") then |
march = "machasm" |
else |
march = "elfasm" |
end |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", march, "-o", lj_vm_asm}) |
print(compiler.compcmd(lj_vm_asm, lj_vm_obj, {target = target})) |
compiler.compile(lj_vm_asm, lj_vm_obj, {target = target}) |
table.join2(target:objectfiles(), lj_vm_obj) |
end |
end) |
function set_host_toolchains() |
-- only for cross-compliation |
if is_plat( then |
return |
end |
local arch |
if is_arch("arm64", "arm64-v8a", "mips64", "x86_64") then |
arch = is_host("windows") and "x64" or "x86_64" |
else |
arch = is_host("windows") and "x86" or "i386" |
end |
set_plat( |
set_arch(arch) |
end |
target("minilua") |
set_kind("binary") |
set_default(false) |
add_files("src/host/minilua.c") |
set_host_toolchains() |
if is_host("windows") then |
add_defines("_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_STDIO_INLINE=__declspec(dllexport)__inline") |
end |
target("buildvm") |
set_kind("binary") |
set_default(false) |
add_deps("minilua") |
add_rules("dasc") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
add_includedirs("src") |
set_host_toolchains() |
add_files("src/host/buildvm*.c") |
if is_host("windows") then |
add_defines("_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_STDIO_INLINE=__declspec(dllexport)__inline") |
end |
if is_arch("x86", "i386") then |
add_files("src/vm_x86.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_X86", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("x64", "x86_64") then |
--FIXME will crash |
--add_files("src/vm_x64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_X64", {public = true}) |
add_files("src/vm_x86.dasc") |
elseif is_arch("arm64", "arm64-v8a") then |
add_files("src/vm_arm64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM64", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("arm.*") then |
add_files("src/vm_arm.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("mips64") then |
add_files("src/vm_mips64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_MIPS64", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("mips") then |
add_files("src/vm_mips.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_MIPS", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("ppc") then |
add_files("src/vm_ppc.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_PPC", {public = true}) |
end |
if is_plat("macosx", "iphoneos", "watchos") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OSX", {public = true}) |
elseif is_plat("windows") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_WINDOWS", {public = true}) |
elseif is_plat("linux", "android") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_LINUX", {public = true}) |
else |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER", {public = true}) |
end |
before_build("@windows", function (target) |
if not is_arch("x86", "x64", "mips", "mips64") then |
-- @note we need fix `illegal zero-sized array` errors for msvc |
io.gsub("src/lj_jit.h", " LJ_K32__MAX\n", " LJ_K32__MAX=1\n") |
io.gsub("src/lj_jit.h", " LJ_K64__MAX,\n", " LJ_K64__MAX=1\n") |
end |
end) |
target("luajit") |
set_kind("$(kind)") |
add_deps("buildvm") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
if is_mode("debug") then |
add_defines("LUA_USE_ASSERT") |
end |
add_defines("LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT", {public = true}) |
add_defines("_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "LARGEFILE_SOURCE", {public = true}) |
add_undefines("_FORTIFY_SOURCE", {public = true}) |
add_headerfiles("src/*.h", {prefixdir = "luajit"}) |
add_files("src/ljamalg.c") |
add_files("src/lib_base.c", |
"src/lib_math.c", |
"src/lib_bit.c", |
"src/lib_string.c", |
"src/lib_table.c", |
"src/lib_io.c", |
"src/lib_os.c", |
"src/lib_package.c", |
"src/lib_debug.c", |
"src/lib_jit.c", |
"src/lib_ffi.c", {rules = {"buildvm", override = true}}) |
target("luajit_bin") |
set_kind("binary") |
add_deps("luajit") |
set_basename("luajit") |
add_files("src/luajit.c") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_links("advapi32", "shell32") |
if is_arch("x86") then |
add_ldflags("/subsystem:console,5.01") |
else |
add_ldflags("/subsystem:console,5.02") |
end |
elseif is_plat("android") then |
add_links("m", "c") |
elseif is_plat("macosx") then |
add_ldflags("-all_load", "-pagezero_size 10000", "-image_base 100000000") |
elseif is_plat("mingw") then |
add_ldflags("-static-libgcc", {force = true}) |
else |
add_links("pthread", "dl", "m", "c") |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ |
set_xmakever("2.3.4") |
set_policy("build.across_targets_in_parallel", false) |
add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release") |
if is_mode("release") then |
add_cflags("-fomit-frame-pointer") |
add_cflags("-fno-stack-protector") |
end |
option("nojit") |
set_default(false) |
set_showmenu(true) |
option("fpu") |
set_default(true) |
set_showmenu(true) |
add_defines("LJ_ARCH_HASFPU=1", "LJ_ABI_SOFTFP=0") |
rule("dasc") |
set_extensions(".dasc") |
before_build_file(function(target, sourcefile) |
local outputdir = target:objectdir() |
if not os.isdir(outputdir) then |
os.mkdir(outputdir) |
end |
local argv = {"dynasm/dynasm.lua", "-LN"} |
if is_arch("x64", "x86_64", "arm64", "arm64-v8a", "mips64") then |
-- 64bits pointer |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "P64") |
end |
if target:opt("fpu") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "FPU") |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "HFABI") |
end |
-- jit is not supported on ios |
if not target:opt("nojit") and not is_plat("iphoneos", "watchos") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "JIT") |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "FFI") |
end |
if is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
table.insert(argv, "-D") |
table.insert(argv, "WIN") |
end |
table.insert(argv, "-o") |
table.insert(argv, path.join(outputdir, "buildvm_arch.h")) |
table.insert(argv, sourcefile) |
os.vrunv(target:dep("minilua"):targetfile(), argv) |
target:add("includedirs", outputdir, {public = true}) |
end) |
rule("buildvm") |
before_build_files(function (target, sourcebatch) |
local buildvm = target:dep("buildvm") |
local outputdir = buildvm:objectdir() |
if not os.isdir(outputdir) then |
os.mkdir(outputdir) |
end |
local buildvm_bin = buildvm:targetfile() |
local sourcefiles = sourcebatch.sourcefiles |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "bcdef", "-o", "src/lj_bcdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "ffdef", "-o", "src/lj_ffdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "libdef", "-o", "src/lj_libdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "recdef", "-o", "src/lj_recdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "vmdef", "-o", "src/lj_vmdef.h", unpack(sourcefiles)}) |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "folddef", "-o", "src/lj_folddef.h", "src/lj_opt_fold.c"}) |
if is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
local lj_vm_obj = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.obj") |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", "peobj", "-o", lj_vm_obj}) |
table.join2(target:objectfiles(), lj_vm_obj) |
else |
import("core.tool.compiler") |
local lj_vm_asm = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.S") |
local lj_vm_obj = path.join(outputdir, "lj_vm.o") |
local march |
if is_plat("macosx", "iphoneos", "watchos") then |
march = "machasm" |
else |
march = "elfasm" |
end |
os.vrunv(buildvm_bin, {"-m", march, "-o", lj_vm_asm}) |
print(compiler.compcmd(lj_vm_asm, lj_vm_obj, {target = target})) |
compiler.compile(lj_vm_asm, lj_vm_obj, {target = target}) |
table.join2(target:objectfiles(), lj_vm_obj) |
end |
end) |
function set_host_toolchains() |
-- only for cross-compliation |
if is_plat( then |
return |
end |
local arch |
if is_arch("arm64", "arm64-v8a", "mips64", "x86_64") then |
arch = is_host("windows") and "x64" or "x86_64" |
else |
arch = is_host("windows") and "x86" or "i386" |
end |
set_plat( |
set_arch(arch) |
end |
target("minilua") |
set_kind("binary") |
set_default(false) |
add_files("src/host/minilua.c") |
set_host_toolchains() |
if is_host("windows") then |
add_defines("_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_STDIO_INLINE=__declspec(dllexport)__inline") |
end |
target("buildvm") |
set_kind("binary") |
set_default(false) |
add_deps("minilua") |
add_rules("dasc") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
add_includedirs("src") |
set_host_toolchains() |
add_files("src/host/buildvm*.c") |
if is_host("windows") then |
add_defines("_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_STDIO_INLINE=__declspec(dllexport)__inline") |
end |
if is_arch("x86", "i386") then |
add_files("src/vm_x86.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_X86", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("x64", "x86_64") then |
--FIXME will crash |
--add_files("src/vm_x64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_X64", {public = true}) |
add_files("src/vm_x86.dasc") |
elseif is_arch("arm64", "arm64-v8a") then |
add_files("src/vm_arm64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM64", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("arm.*") then |
add_files("src/vm_arm.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("mips64") then |
add_files("src/vm_mips64.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_MIPS64", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("mips") then |
add_files("src/vm_mips.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_MIPS", {public = true}) |
elseif is_arch("ppc") then |
add_files("src/vm_ppc.dasc") |
add_defines("LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_PPC", {public = true}) |
end |
if is_plat("macosx", "iphoneos", "watchos") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OSX", {public = true}) |
elseif is_plat("windows") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_WINDOWS", {public = true}) |
elseif is_plat("linux", "android") then |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_LINUX", {public = true}) |
else |
add_defines("LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER", {public = true}) |
end |
before_build("@windows", function (target) |
if not is_arch("x86", "x64", "mips", "mips64") then |
-- @note we need fix `illegal zero-sized array` errors for msvc |
io.gsub("src/lj_jit.h", " LJ_K32__MAX\n", " LJ_K32__MAX=1\n") |
io.gsub("src/lj_jit.h", " LJ_K64__MAX,\n", " LJ_K64__MAX=1\n") |
end |
end) |
target("luajit") |
set_kind("$(kind)") |
add_deps("buildvm") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
if is_mode("debug") then |
add_defines("LUA_USE_ASSERT") |
end |
add_defines("LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT", {public = true}) |
add_defines("_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "LARGEFILE_SOURCE", {public = true}) |
add_undefines("_FORTIFY_SOURCE", {public = true}) |
add_headerfiles("src/*.h", {prefixdir = "luajit"}) |
add_cflags("-msse4.2") |
add_files("src/ljamalg.c", "src/lj_str_hash.c") |
add_files("src/lib_base.c", |
"src/lib_math.c", |
"src/lib_bit.c", |
"src/lib_string.c", |
"src/lib_table.c", |
"src/lib_io.c", |
"src/lib_os.c", |
"src/lib_package.c", |
"src/lib_debug.c", |
"src/lib_jit.c", |
"src/lib_ffi.c", {rules = {"buildvm", override = true}}) |
target("luajit_bin") |
set_kind("binary") |
add_deps("luajit") |
set_basename("luajit") |
add_files("src/luajit.c") |
add_options("nojit", "fpu") |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_links("advapi32", "shell32") |
if is_arch("x86") then |
add_ldflags("/subsystem:console,5.01") |
else |
add_ldflags("/subsystem:console,5.02") |
end |
elseif is_plat("android") then |
add_links("m", "c") |
elseif is_plat("macosx") then |
add_ldflags("-all_load", "-pagezero_size 10000", "-image_base 100000000") |
elseif is_plat("mingw") then |
add_ldflags("-static-libgcc", {force = true}) |
else |
add_links("pthread", "dl", "m", "c") |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
package("moonjit") |
set_homepage("") |
set_description("A Just-In-Time Compiler (JIT) for the Lua programming language.") |
set_urls("$(version).tar.gz", |
"") |
add_versions("2.2.0", "83deb2c880488dfe7dd8ebf09e3b1e7613ef4b8420de53de6f712f01aabca2b6") |
add_configs("nojit", { description = "Disable JIT.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("fpu", { description = "Enable FPU.", default = true, type = "boolean"}) |
add_includedirs("include/luajit") |
if not is_plat("windows") then |
add_syslinks("dl") |
end |
on_load(function (package) |
package:addenv("PATH", "bin") |
end) |
on_install("windows", "linux", "macosx", "bsd", "android", "iphoneos", function (package) |
local configs = {} |
if package:config("shared") then |
configs.kind = "shared" |
end |
configs.fpu = package:config("fpu") |
configs.nojit = package:config("nojit") |
os.cp(path.join(package:scriptdir(), "port", "xmake.lua"), "xmake.lua") |
import("").install(package, configs) |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |
if package:is_plat( then |
os.vrun("luajit -e \"print('hello xmake!')\"") |
end |
assert(package:has_cfuncs("lua_pcall", {includes = "luajit.h"})) |
end) |
Reference in new issue