@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ package("msvc") |
set_kind("toolchain") |
set_homepage("https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/visual-cpp-build-tools/") |
set_description("Microsoft Visual C/C++ Compiler") |
if set_installtips then |
set_installtips("Do you accept the license agreement? https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2179911") |
end |
add_versions("14.42.17+12", "dummy") |
add_versions("14.41.17+11", "dummy") |
@ -53,17 +56,6 @@ package("msvc") |
on_install("@windows", "@msys", function (package) |
import("core.base.semver") |
-- get confirm result |
local result = utils.confirm({description = function () |
cprint("${bright color.warning}note: ${clear}Do you accept the license agreement for installing msvc build toolchain?") |
cprint(" https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2179911") |
end, answer = function () |
cprint("please input: ${bright}y${clear} (y/n)") |
io.flush() |
return (io.read() or "n"):trim() |
end}) |
if result and result ~= "n" then |
local argv = {"accept_license"} |
local sdkver = semver.new(package:config("sdkver") or "10.0.26100") |
if package:config("preview") then |
@ -80,7 +72,6 @@ package("msvc") |
-- https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/visual-cpp-build-tools/ |
-- https://github.com/Data-Oriented-House/PortableBuildTools/blob/3a2cd42b1de75da63ad30a55982d8dff3c36aa45/source.c#L724 |
os.vrunv("PortableBuildTools.exe", argv) |
end |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |