@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ |
package("mnn") |
set_homepage("https://www.mnn.zone/") |
set_description("MNN is a highly efficient and lightweight deep learning framework.") |
set_license("Apache-2.0") |
add_urls("https://github.com/alibaba/MNN/archive/$(version).zip", |
add_urls("https://github.com/alibaba/MNN/archive/refs/tags/$(version).zip", |
"https://github.com/alibaba/MNN.git") |
add_versions("3.0.5", "23179be245aefe2e1546e94ad6312fde6fdd14c669ff5123ee5a5a9ef14542ef") |
add_versions("1.2.2", "78698b879f796a84d1aeb02f60ee38f6860dfdd03c27d1649aaaf9e0adfc8630") |
add_versions("1.2.1", "485ae09558ff5626a63d1467ca81ebe0e17fbc60222c386d8f0e857f487c74d0") |
@ -24,14 +24,12 @@ package("mnn") |
add_deps("cmake") |
add_links("") |
on_load("windows", "linux", "macosx", "android", function (package) |
on_load("windows|!arm*", "linux", "macosx", "android", "iphoneos|!x86_64", function (package) |
local mnn_path = package:installdir("include") |
local mnn_lib_dir = string.sub(mnn_path, 1, string.len(mnn_path) - 7) .. "lib" |
if package:config("shared") then |
package:add("ldflags", "-L" .. mnn_lib_dir .. " -lmnn") |
package:add("shflags", "-L" .. mnn_lib_dir .. " -lmnn") |
package:add("ldflags", "-L" .. mnn_lib_dir .. " -lMNN") |
package:add("shflags", "-L" .. mnn_lib_dir .. " -lMNN") |
else |
if package:is_plat("linux", "android", "cross") then |
package:add("shflags", " -Wl,--whole-archive " .. mnn_lib_dir .. "/libMNN.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive") |
@ -63,19 +61,35 @@ package("mnn") |
end |
end) |
on_install("windows", "linux", "macosx", "android", function (package) |
local configs = {"-DMNN_BUILD_TEST=OFF", |
on_install("windows|!arm*", "linux", "macosx", "android", "iphoneos|!x86_64", function (package) |
if package:is_plat("windows") then |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", "set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY MultiThreaded$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Debug>)", "", {plain = true}) |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", "set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY}DLL)", "", {plain = true}) |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", |
end |
local configs = { |
} |
table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:is_debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_WIN_RUNTIME_MT=" .. (package:has_runtime("MT") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_USE_SYSTEM_LIB=" .. (package:config("use_system_lib") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_USE_THREAD_POOL=" .. (package:config("thread_pool") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_OPENMP=" .. (package:config("openmp") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
if package:config("thread_pool") and package:config("openmp") then |
print("Warning: You are using mnn's thread pool, it will disable openmp!") |
wprint("You are using mnn's thread pool, it will disable openmp!") |
end |
for _, name in ipairs({"metal", "opencl", "opengl", "vulkan", "arm82", "onednn", "avx512", "cuda", "tensorrt", "coreml"}) do |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_" .. string.upper(name) .. "=" .. (package:config(name) and "ON" or "OFF")) |
@ -83,20 +97,17 @@ package("mnn") |
for _, name in ipairs({"train", "quantools", "convert"}) do |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_BUILD_" .. string.upper(name) .. "=" .. (package:config(name) and "ON" or "OFF")) |
end |
if package:is_plat("windows") then |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_WIN_RUNTIME_MT=" .. (package:config("vs_runtime") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", |
io.replace("CMakeLists.txt", |
end |
if package:is_plat("android") then |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_USE_SSE=OFF") |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_COMMAND=ON") |
end |
if package:is_plat("iphoneos") then |
table.insert(configs, '-DARCHS=arm64') |
table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_BITCODE=0") |
table.insert(configs, "-DMNN_ARM82=ON") |
end |
import("package.tools.cmake").install(package, configs, {buildir = "bd"}) |
if package:is_plat("windows") then |
os.cp("bd/Release/*.exe", package:installdir("bin")) |
os.cp("bd/Release/*.dll", package:installdir("bin")) |