@ -21,15 +21,7 @@ package("python2") |
if is_host("macosx", "linux") then |
add_deps("openssl") |
end |
on_load(function (package) |
if is_host("windows") then |
package:addenv("PATH", path.join("share", package:name(), package:version_str())) |
else |
package:addenv("PATH", path.join("share", package:name(), package:version_str(), "bin")) |
end |
end) |
local resources = |
{ |
setuptools = |
@ -48,6 +40,39 @@ package("python2") |
sha256 = "66a8fd76f28977bb664b098372daef2b27f60dc4d1688cfab7b37a09448f0e9d" |
} |
} |
on_load(function (package) |
if is_host("windows") then |
package:addenv("PATH", path.join("share", package:name(), package:version_str())) |
else |
package:addenv("PATH", path.join("share", package:name(), package:version_str(), "bin")) |
end |
package:data_set("install_resources", function() |
-- imports |
import("net.http") |
import("utils.archive") |
import("lib.detect.find_file") |
-- set python environments |
local version = package:version() |
local envs = {PYTHONPATH = package:installdir("lib", "python" .. version:major() .. "." .. version:minor(), "site-packages")} |
package:addenv("PYTHONPATH", envs.PYTHONPATH) |
-- install resources |
for name, resource in pairs(resources) do |
local resourcefile = path.join(os.curdir(), path.filename(resource.url)) |
local resourcedir = resourcefile .. ".dir" |
http.download(resource.url, resourcefile) |
assert(resource.sha256 == hash.sha256(resourcefile), "resource(%s): unmatched checksum!", name) |
assert(archive.extract(resourcefile, resourcedir), "resource(%s): extract failed!", name) |
local setupfile = assert(find_file("setup.py", path.join(resourcedir, "*")), "resource(%s): setup.py not found!", name) |
local oldir = os.cd(path.directory(setupfile)) |
os.vrunv("python2", {"setup.py", "install", "--prefix=" .. package:installdir()}, {envs = envs}) |
os.cd(oldir) |
end |
end) |
end) |
on_install("@windows", function (package) |
@ -55,27 +80,7 @@ package("python2") |
local installdir = package:installdir("share", package:name(), package:version_str()) |
os.cp("*", installdir) |
os.cp("python.exe", path.join(installdir, "python2.exe")) |
-- set python environments |
local version = package:version() |
local envs = {PYTHONPATH = package:installdir("lib", "python" .. version:major() .. "." .. version:minor(), "site-packages")} |
package:addenv("PYTHONPATH", envs.PYTHONPATH) |
-- install resources |
import("net.http") |
import("utils.archive") |
import("lib.detect.find_file") |
for name, resource in pairs(resources) do |
local resourcefile = path.join(os.curdir(), path.filename(resource.url)) |
local resourcedir = resourcefile .. ".dir" |
http.download(resource.url, resourcefile) |
assert(resource.sha256 == hash.sha256(resourcefile), "resource(%s): unmatched checksum!", name) |
assert(archive.extract(resourcefile, resourcedir), "resource(%s): extract failed!", name) |
local setupfile = assert(find_file("setup.py", path.join(resourcedir, "*")), "resource(%s): setup.py not found!", name) |
local oldir = os.cd(path.directory(setupfile)) |
os.vrunv("python2", {"setup.py", "install", "--prefix=" .. package:installdir()}, {envs = envs}) |
os.cd(oldir) |
end |
package:data("install_resources")() |
end) |
on_install("@macosx", "@linux", function (package) |
@ -97,27 +102,7 @@ package("python2") |
-- and not into some other Python the user has installed. |
import("package.tools.autoconf").configure(package, configs, {envs = {PYTHONHOME = "", PYTHONPATH = ""}}) |
os.vrunv("make", {"install", "-j4", "PYTHONAPPSDIR=" .. package:installdir()}) |
-- set python environments |
local version = package:version() |
local envs = {PYTHONPATH = package:installdir("lib", "python" .. version:major() .. "." .. version:minor(), "site-packages")} |
package:addenv("PYTHONPATH", envs.PYTHONPATH) |
-- install resources |
import("net.http") |
import("utils.archive") |
import("lib.detect.find_file") |
for name, resource in pairs(resources) do |
local resourcefile = path.join(os.curdir(), path.filename(resource.url)) |
local resourcedir = resourcefile .. ".dir" |
http.download(resource.url, resourcefile) |
assert(resource.sha256 == hash.sha256(resourcefile), "resource(%s): unmatched checksum!", name) |
assert(archive.extract(resourcefile, resourcedir), "resource(%s): extract failed!", name) |
local setupfile = assert(find_file("setup.py", path.join(resourcedir, "*")), "resource(%s): setup.py not found!", name) |
local oldir = os.cd(path.directory(setupfile)) |
os.vrunv("python2", {"setup.py", "install", "--prefix=" .. package:installdir()}, {envs = envs}) |
os.cd(oldir) |
end |
package:data("install_resources")() |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |