@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ package("opencv") |
add_configs("dynamic_parallel", {description = "Dynamically load parallel runtime (TBB etc.).", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
if is_plat("macosx") then |
add_frameworks("Foundation", "CoreFoundation", "CoreGraphics", "AppKit", "OpenCL") |
add_frameworks("Foundation", "CoreFoundation", "CoreGraphics", "AppKit", "OpenCL", "Accelerate") |
elseif is_plat("linux") then |
add_syslinks("pthread", "dl") |
elseif is_plat("windows") then |
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ package("opencv") |
local modulesdir = assert(find_path("modules", path.join(resourcedir, "*")), "modules not found!") |
table.insert(configs, "-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=" .. path.absolute(path.join(modulesdir, "modules"))) |
end |
import("package.tools.cmake").install(package, configs, {buildir = "build"}) |
import("package.tools.cmake").install(package, configs, {buildir = "bd"}) |
if package:is_plat("windows") then |
local arch = package:is_arch("x64") and "x64" or "x86" |
local linkdir = (package:config("shared") and "lib" or "staticlib") |
@ -133,25 +133,44 @@ package("opencv") |
if vs == "2015" then vc_ver = "vc14" |
elseif vs == "2017" then vc_ver = "vc15" |
elseif vs == "2019" then vc_ver = "vc16" |
elseif vs == "2022" then vc_ver = "vc17" |
end |
-- keep compatibility for old versions |
local instdir = package:installdir(arch, vc_ver) |
if os.isdir(path.join(os.curdir(), "build", "install")) then |
os.trycp(path.join(os.curdir(), "build", "install", arch, vc_ver), package:installdir(arch)) |
local installdir = package:installdir(arch, vc_ver) |
if os.isdir(path.join(os.curdir(), "bd", "install")) then |
os.trycp(path.join(os.curdir(), "bd", "install", arch, vc_ver), package:installdir(arch)) |
end |
-- scanning for links |
for _, f in ipairs(os.files(path.join(instdir, linkdir, "*.lib"))) do |
package:add("links", path.basename(f)) |
-- scanning for links for old xmake version |
if xmake.version():le("2.5.6") then |
for _, f in ipairs(os.files(path.join(installdir, linkdir, "*.lib"))) do |
package:add("links", path.basename(f)) |
end |
end |
package:add("linkdirs", linkdir) |
package:addenv("PATH", path.join(arch, vc_ver, "bin")) |
else |
os.trycp("3rdparty/**/*.a", package:installdir("lib")) |
if package:version():ge("4.0") then |
-- scanning for links for old xmake version |
if xmake.version():le("2.5.6") then |
for _, suffix in ipairs({"*.a", "*.so", "*.dylib"}) do |
for _, f in ipairs(os.files(path.join(package:installdir("lib"), suffix))) do |
package:add("links", path.basename(f):match("lib(.+)")) |
end |
for _, f in ipairs(os.files(path.join(package:installdir("lib/opencv4/3rdparty"), suffix))) do |
package:add("links", path.basename(f):match("lib(.+)")) |
end |
end |
end |
package:add("linkdirs", "lib", "lib/opencv4/3rdparty") |
end |
package:addenv("PATH", "bin") |
end |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |
os.vrun("opencv_version") |
assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ |
#include <iostream> |
void test(int argc, char** argv) { |