@ -4,21 +4,16 @@ package("libxml2") |
set_description("The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome.") |
set_license("MIT") |
set_urls("http://xmlsoft.org/sources/libxml2-$(version).tar.gz", |
"https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/blfs/conglomeration/libxml2/libxml2-$(version).tar.gz") |
add_urls("https://download.gnome.org/sources/libxml2/$(version).tar.xz", {version = function (version) return format("%d.%d/libxml2-%s", version:major(), version:minor(), version) end}) |
add_urls("https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2.git") |
add_versions("2.9.9", "94fb70890143e3c6549f265cee93ec064c80a84c42ad0f23e85ee1fd6540a871") |
add_versions("2.9.10", "aafee193ffb8fe0c82d4afef6ef91972cbaf5feea100edc2f262750611b4be1f") |
add_versions("2.9.12", "c8d6681e38c56f172892c85ddc0852e1fd4b53b4209e7f4ebf17f7e2eae71d92") |
add_patches("2.9.12", path.join(os.scriptdir(), "patches", "2.9.12", "msvc.patch"), "b978048ad1caf9c63e3b2eee685ea2e586812d80deb1e47b18ad2cae36edd201") |
add_versions("2.10.3", "5d2cc3d78bec3dbe212a9d7fa629ada25a7da928af432c93060ff5c17ee28a9c") |
add_configs("iconv", {description = "Enable libiconv support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("python", {description = "Enable the python interface.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_includedirs("include/libxml2") |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_syslinks("ws2_32") |
add_syslinks("wsock32", "ws2_32") |
else |
add_links("xml2") |
end |
@ -38,13 +33,13 @@ package("libxml2") |
end |
end |
if package:config("python") then |
if not package:is_plat(os.host()) then |
if package:is_cross() then |
raise("libxml2 python interface does not support cross-compilation") |
end |
if not package:config("iconv") then |
raise("libxml2 python interface requires iconv to be enabled") |
end |
package:add("deps", "python 3.x", {private = true}) |
package:add("deps", "python 3.x") |
end |
if package:config("iconv") then |
package:add("deps", "libiconv") |
@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ package("libxml2") |
on_install("windows", function (package) |
os.cd("win32") |
local args = {"configure.js", "iso8859x=yes", "zlib=no", "compiler=msvc"} |
local args = {"configure.js", "iso8859x=yes", "lzma=no", "zlib=no", "compiler=msvc"} |
table.insert(args, "cruntime=/" .. package:config("vs_runtime")) |
table.insert(args, "debug=" .. (package:debug() and "yes" or "no")) |
table.insert(args, "iconv=" .. (package:config("iconv") and "yes" or "no")) |
@ -77,7 +72,8 @@ package("libxml2") |
package:addenv("PATH", package:installdir("bin")) |
if package:config("python") then |
os.cd("../python") |
io.replace("setup.py", "/opt/include", package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("include"):gsub("\\", "\\\\"), {plain = true}) |
io.replace("setup.py", "[xml_includes]", "[xml_includes,\"" .. package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("include"):gsub("\\", "\\\\") .. "\"]", {plain = true}) |
io.replace("setup.py", "WITHDLLS = 1", "WITHDLLS = 0", {plain = true}) |
if not package:config("shared") then |
io.replace("setup.py", "libdirs = [", format("libdirs = [\n'%s',", package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("lib"):gsub("\\", "\\\\")), {plain = true}) |
@ -87,12 +83,14 @@ package("libxml2") |
else |
os.cp(path.join(package:installdir("bin"), "libxml2.dll"), path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "site-packages", "libxml2.dll")) |
end |
os.vrun("python setup.py install --prefix=\"" .. package:installdir() .. "\"") |
os.mkdir(path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "site-packages")) |
os.vrunv("python", {"-m", "pip", "install", "--prefix=" .. package:installdir(), "."}, {envs = {PYTHONPATH = path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "site-packages")}}) |
package:addenv("PYTHONPATH", path.join(package:installdir("lib"), "site-packages")) |
end |
end) |
on_install("macosx", "linux", "iphoneos", "android", function (package) |
import("package.tools.autoconf") |
local configs = {"--disable-dependency-tracking", |
"--without-lzma", |
"--without-zlib"} |
@ -117,34 +115,57 @@ package("libxml2") |
else |
table.insert(configs, "--without-iconv") |
end |
if package:config("pic") ~= false then |
table.insert(configs, "--with-pic") |
end |
local envs = autoconf.buildenvs(package) |
if package:config("python") then |
table.insert(configs, "--with-python") |
local python = package:dep("python"):fetch() |
if python then |
local cflags, ldflags |
for _, includedir in ipairs(python.sysincludedirs or python.includedirs) do |
cflags = (cflags or "") .. " -I" .. includedir |
end |
for _, linkdir in ipairs(python.linkdirs) do |
ldflags = (ldflags or "") .. " -L" .. linkdir |
end |
envs.PYTHON_CFLAGS = cflags |
envs.PYTHON_LIBS = ldflags |
end |
else |
table.insert(configs, "--without-python") |
end |
if package:config("pic") ~= false then |
table.insert(configs, "--with-pic") |
end |
import("package.tools.autoconf").install(package, configs) |
autoconf.install(package, configs, {envs = envs}) |
package:addenv("PATH", package:installdir("bin")) |
if package:config("python") then |
os.cd("python") |
io.replace("setup.py", "\"/usr/include\",\n\"/usr/local/include\",\n\"/opt/include\",", "\"" .. package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("include") .. "\",", {plain = true}) |
io.replace("setup.py", "[xml_includes]", "[xml_includes,\"" .. package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("include") .. "\"]", {plain = true}) |
if not package:config("shared") then |
io.replace("setup.py", "libdirs = [", format("libdirs = [\n'%s',", package:dep("libiconv"):installdir("lib")), {plain = true}) |
io.replace("setup.py", "platformLibs = [\"m\",\"z\"]", "platformLibs = [\"iconv\",\"m\"]", {plain = true}) |
else |
io.replace("setup.py", "platformLibs = [\"m\",\"z\"]", "platformLibs = [\"m\"]", {plain = true}) |
end |
os.vrun("python setup.py install --prefix=\"" .. package:installdir() .. "\"") |
local pythonver = package:dep("python"):version() |
local python = package:dep("python") |
local pythonver = nil |
if python:is_system() then |
pythonver = import("core.base.semver").new(python:fetch().version) |
else |
pythonver = python:version() |
end |
os.vrunv("python3", {"-m", "pip", "install", "--prefix=" .. package:installdir(), "."}, {envs = {PYTHONPATH = path.join(package:installdir("lib"), format("python%s.%s", pythonver:major(), pythonver:minor()), "site-packages")}}) |
package:addenv("PYTHONPATH", path.join(package:installdir("lib"), format("python%s.%s", pythonver:major(), pythonver:minor()), "site-packages")) |
end |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |
if package:config("python") then |
os.vrun("python3 -c \"import libxml2\"") |
if package:is_plat("windows") then |
os.vrun("python -c \"import libxml2\"") |
else |
os.vrun("python3 -c \"import libxml2\"") |
end |
end |
assert(package:has_cfuncs("xmlNewNode", {includes = {"libxml/parser.h", "libxml/tree.h"}})) |
end) |