package ( " vulkan-hpp " )
set_kind ( " library " , { headeronly = true } )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " Open-Source Vulkan C++ API " )
set_license ( " Apache-2.0 " )
add_urls ( " " )
-- when adding a new sdk version, please also update vulkan-headers, vulkan-loader, vulkan-utility-libraries, spirv-headers, spirv-reflect, glslang and volk packages
add_versions ( " v1.2.180 " , " bfa6d4765212505c8241a44b97dc5a9ce3aa2969 " )
add_versions ( " v1.2.189 " , " 58ff1da4c03f5f124eb835f41a9dd8fe3c2e8087 " )
add_versions ( " v1.2.198 " , " d8c9f4f0eee6972622a1c3aabab5ed558d37c1c0 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.231 " , " ef609a2f77dd1756e672712f264e76b64acdba61 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.236 " , " 4848fc8e6a923757fd451e52b992dfac48e30814 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.240 " , " 83adc3fa57b5d5a75ddfb2ce2a0f7fb3abe4bb9c " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.244 " , " 1bd3877dcc7f3fbf5a43e4d2f0fcc4ebadf6af85 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.254 " , " 9f89f760a661ff5d7e1e5cc93de13eb4026307b5 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.261 " , " 3d27c1736a8d520f4d577d9d41566ce1b1fc346e " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.268 " , " d2134fefe22279595aee73752099022222468a60 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.272 " , " e621db07719c0c1c738ad39ef400737a750bb23a " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.275 " , " 1a24b015830c116632a0723f3ccfd1f06009ce12 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.276 " , " d4b36b82236e052a5e6e4cea5fe7967d5b565ebc " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.277 " , " c5c1994f79298543af93d7956b654bdefdfbdd26 " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.278 " , " 29723f90a127ff08d9099855378162f04b4ffddd " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.279 " , " 6fb8def27290f8b87d7835457a9c68190aed9a9a " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.280 " , " e35acfe75215116029298aebf681170559a4fe6a " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.281 " , " 88d508b32f207ba85b37fe22fe3732322d1c248d " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.282 " , " 4bf2835dd1a530291cd2b340a58dd7e369d5c86c " )
add_versions ( " v1.3.283 " , " 2fbc146feefa43b8201af4b01eb3570110f9fa32 " )
add_configs ( " modules " , { description = " Build with C++20 modules support. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
on_load ( function ( package )
if not package : config ( " modules " ) then
package : add ( " deps " , " cmake " )
if package : is_plat ( " linux " ) then
package : add ( " extsources " , " pacman::vulkan-headers " )
end )
on_install ( " windows|x86 " , " windows|x64 " , " linux " , " macosx " , " mingw " , " android " , " iphoneos " , function ( package )
local arch_prev
local plat_prev
if ( package : is_plat ( " mingw " ) or package : is_cross ( ) ) and package.plat_set then
arch_prev = package : arch ( )
plat_prev = package : plat ( )
package : plat_set ( ( ) )
package : arch_set ( os.arch ( ) )
io.replace ( " CMakeLists.txt " , " -Werror " , " " , { plain = true } )
io.replace ( " CMakeLists.txt " , " /WX " , " " , { plain = true } )
import ( " " ) . build ( package , { buildir = " build " } )
if arch_prev and plat_prev then
package : plat_set ( plat_prev )
package : arch_set ( arch_prev )
os.mkdir ( " build " )
if is_host ( " windows " ) then
os.cp ( path.join ( " ** " , " VulkanHppGenerator.exe " ) , " build " )
os.cp ( path.join ( " ** " , " VulkanHppGenerator " ) , " build " )
os.runv ( path.join ( " build " , " VulkanHppGenerator " ) )
if not package : config ( " modules " ) then
os.cp ( " Vulkan-Headers/include " , package : installdir ( ) )
os.cp ( " vulkan/*.hpp " , package : installdir ( path.join ( " include " , " vulkan " ) ) )
io.writefile ( " xmake.lua " , [ [
target ( " vulkan-hpp " )
set_kind ( " static " )
set_languages ( " c++20 " )
add_headerfiles ( " Vulkan-Headers/include/(**.h) " )
add_headerfiles ( " Vulkan/(**.h) " )
add_headerfiles ( " Vulkan-Headers/include/(**.hpp) " )
add_headerfiles ( " Vulkan/(**.hpp) " )
add_includedirs ( " Vulkan " )
add_includedirs ( " Vulkan-Headers/include " )
add_files ( " Vulkan/vulkan.cppm " , { public = true } )
] ] )
local configs = { }
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
void test ( ) {
vk :: ApplicationInfo ai ;
ai.pApplicationName = " Test " ;
ai.applicationVersion = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
ai.pEngineName = " Test " ;
ai.engineVersion = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
ai.apiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0 ;
] ] } , { includes = " vulkan/vulkan.hpp " , configs = { languages = " c++14 " } } ) )
end )