package ( " qt6lib " )
set_kind ( " template " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " Qt is the faster, smarter way to create innovative devices, modern UIs & applications for multiple screens. Cross-platform software development at its best. " )
set_license ( " LGPL-3 " )
add_configs ( " shared " , { description = " Download shared binaries. " , default = true , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
add_configs ( " vs_runtime " , { description = " Set vs compiler runtime. " , default = " MD " , readonly = true } )
add_versions ( " 6.3.0 " , " dummy " )
add_versions ( " 6.5.0 " , " dummy " )
add_versions ( " 6.5.1 " , " dummy " )
add_versions ( " 6.5.2 " , " dummy " )
add_versions ( " 6.5.3 " , " dummy " )
add_versions ( " 6.6.0 " , " dummy " )
on_load ( function ( package )
package : add ( " deps " , " qt6base " , { debug = package : is_debug ( ) , version = package : version_str ( ) } )
end )
on_fetch ( function ( package )
local qt = package : dep ( " qt6base " ) : fetch ( )
if not qt then
local libname = assert ( package : data ( " libname " ) , " this package must not be used directly " )
local links = table.wrap ( package : data ( " links " ) )
local includedirs = { qt.includedir }
local linkname
local frameworks
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
linkname = " Qt6 " .. libname
if package : is_debug ( ) then
linkname = linkname .. " d "
table.insert ( includedirs , path.join ( qt.includedir , " Qt " .. libname ) )
elseif package : is_plat ( " android " ) then
linkname = " Qt6 " .. libname
if package : is_arch ( " x86_64 " , " x64 " ) then
linkname = linkname .. " _x86_64 "
elseif package : is_arch ( " arm64 " , " arm64-v8a " ) then
linkname = linkname .. " _arm64-v8a "
elseif package : is_arch ( " armv7 " , " armeabi-v7a " , " armeabi " , " armv7-a " , " armv5te " ) then
linkname = linkname .. " _armeabi-v7a "
elseif package : is_arch ( " x86 " ) then
linkname = linkname .. " _x86 "
table.insert ( includedirs , path.join ( qt.includedir , " Qt " .. libname ) )
elseif package : is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
table.insert ( includedirs , path.join ( qt.libdir , " Qt " .. libname .. " .framework " , " Headers " ) )
frameworks = " Qt " .. libname
linkname = " Qt6 " .. libname
table.insert ( includedirs , path.join ( qt.includedir , " Qt " .. libname ) )
table.insert ( links , 1 , linkname )
if frameworks then
table.join2 ( frameworks , package : data ( " frameworks " ) )
frameworks = package : data ( " frameworks " )
return {
qtdir = qt ,
version = qt.version ,
includedirs = includedirs ,
links = links ,
linkdirs = qt.libdir ,
frameworks = frameworks ,
frameworkdirs = qt.libdir ,
syslinks = package : data ( " syslinks " )
end )
on_install ( " windows|x64 " , " linux|x86_64 " , " macosx|x86_64 " , " mingw|x86_64 " , function ( package )
local qt = package : dep ( " qt6base " ) : data ( " qt " )
assert ( qt , " qt6base is required " )
end )