package ( " blake3 " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash function that is much faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and BLAKE2; secure, unlike MD5 and SHA-1 (and secure against length extension, unlike SHA-2); highly parallelizable across any number of threads and SIMD lanes, because it's a Merkle tree on the inside; capable of verified streaming and incremental updates (Merkle tree); a PRF, MAC, KDF, and XOF, as well as a regular hash; and is a single algorithm with no variants, fast on x86-64 and also on smaller architectures. " )
set_license ( " CC0-1.0 " )
add_urls ( "$(version).tar.gz " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " 1.5.1 " , " 822cd37f70152e5985433d2c50c8f6b2ec83aaf11aa31be9fe71486a91744f37 " )
add_versions ( " 1.5.0 " , " f506140bc3af41d3432a4ce18b3b83b08eaa240e94ef161eb72b2e57cdc94c69 " )
add_versions ( " 1.3.3 " , " 27d2bc4ee5945ba75434859521042c949463ee7514ff17aaef328e23ef83fec0 " )
add_versions ( " 1.3.1 " , " 112becf0983b5c83efff07f20b458f2dbcdbd768fd46502e7ddd831b83550109 " )
on_install ( " windows|x64 " , " windows|x86 " , " linux " , " macosx " , " bsd " , " mingw|x86_64 " , " android " , " iphoneos " , " cross " , function ( package )
local configs = { }
io.writefile ( " xmake.lua " , [ [
add_rules ( " mode.release " , " mode.debug " )
target ( " blake3 " )
set_kind ( " $(kind) " )
add_files ( " c/blake3.c " , " c/blake3_dispatch.c " , " c/blake3_portable.c " )
add_headerfiles ( " c/blake3.h " )
if is_arch ( " x86_64 " , " x64 " ) then
if is_subhost ( " msys " , " cygwin " ) then
add_files ( " c/*x86-64_windows_gnu.S " )
elseif is_plat ( " windows " ) then
add_files ( " c/*x86-64_windows_msvc.asm " )
if is_kind ( " shared " ) then
add_rules ( " utils.symbols.export_all " )
add_files ( " c/*x86-64_unix.S " )
elseif is_arch ( " x86 " , " i386 " ) then
add_files ( " c/blake3_portable.c " )
add_files ( " c/blake3_sse2.c " )
add_files ( " c/blake3_sse41.c " )
add_files ( " c/blake3_avx2.c " )
add_files ( " c/blake3_avx512.c " )
elseif is_arch ( " arm64 " , " arm64-v8a " ) then
add_files ( " c/blake3_neon.c " )
add_defines ( " BLAKE3_USE_NEON=1 " )
] ] )
if package : config ( " shared " ) then
configs.kind = " shared "
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : has_cfuncs ( " blake3_hasher_init " , { includes = " blake3.h " } ) )
end )