package ( " sqlitecpp " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. " )
set_license ( " MIT " )
set_urls ( "$(version).tar.gz " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " 3.3.1 " , " 71f990f9fb4b004533b6859ce40729af823b87fe691dd99ca084a7fd40db54b9 " )
add_versions ( " 3.2.1 " , " 70c67d5680c47460f82a7abf8e6b0329bf2fb10795a982a6d8abc06adb42d693 " )
if is_plat ( " android " , " wasm " ) then
add_configs ( " sqlite3_external " , { description = " Use external sqlite3 library instead of bundled. " , default = false , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
elseif is_plat ( " linux " , " macosx " , " mingw " , " msys " , " bsd " , " cross " ) then
add_configs ( " sqlite3_external " , { description = " Use external sqlite3 library instead of bundled. " , default = true , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
add_configs ( " sqlite3_external " , { description = " Use external sqlite3 library instead of bundled. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " column_metadata " , { description = " Enable Column::getColumnOriginName(). Require support from sqlite3 library. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " assert_handled " , { description = " Enable the user definition of a assertion_failed() handler. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " has_codec " , { description = " Enable database encryption API. Not available in the public release of SQLite. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " legacy_struct " , { description = " EFallback to forward declaration of legacy struct sqlite3_value (pre SQLite 3.19) " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " ommit_load_extension " , { description = " Enable ommit load extension. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " filesystem " , { description = " Disable the support for std::filesystem (C++17) " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
if is_plat ( " mingw " ) then
add_configs ( " stack_protection " , { description = " Enable stack protection for MySQL. " , default = true , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
add_configs ( " stack_protection " , { description = " Enable stack protection for MySQL. " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_deps ( " cmake " )
on_load ( function ( package )
if package : config ( " sqlite3_external " ) then
package : add ( " deps " , " sqlite3 " )
end )
on_install ( function ( package )
local configs =
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITECPP_INTERNAL_SQLITE= " .. ( package : config ( " sqlite3_external " ) and " OFF " or " ON " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA= " .. ( package : config ( " column_metadata " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ASSERT_HANDLER= " .. ( package : config ( " assert_handled " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC= " .. ( package : config ( " has_codec " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITE_USE_LEGACY_STRUCT= " .. ( package : config ( " legacy_struct " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITE_OMMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION= " .. ( package : config ( " ommit_load_extension " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITECPP_DISABLE_STD_FILESYSTEM= " .. ( package : config ( " filesystem " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITECPP_USE_STACK_PROTECTION= " .. ( package : config ( " stack_protection " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= " .. ( package : is_debug ( ) and " Debug " or " Release " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS= " .. ( package : config ( " shared " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
if package : config ( " shared " ) then
if package : version ( ) : gt ( " 3.2.1 " ) then
package : add ( " defines " , " SQLITECPP_COMPILE_DLL " )
table.remove ( configs , # configs ) -- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS=ON " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSQLITECPP_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME= " .. ( package : config ( " vs_runtime " ) : startswith ( " MT " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
os.trycp ( " **.dll " , package : installdir ( " bin " ) )
os.trycp ( " **.so " , package : installdir ( " lib " ) )
if package : config ( " sqlite3_external " ) then
os.tryrm ( package : installdir ( " bin/sqlite3* " ) )
os.tryrm ( package : installdir ( " lib/sqlite3* " ) )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
void test ( ) {
SQLite :: Database db ( " example . db3 " ) ;
] ] } , { configs = { languages = " c++11 " } , includes = { " SQLiteCpp/Database.h " } } ) )
end )