package ( " fluidsynth " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications and has reached widespread distribution. " )
set_license ( " LGPL-2.1 " )
add_urls ( "$(version).zip " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " v2.3.3 " , " 0ab6f1aae1c7652b9249de2d98070313f3083046fddd673277556f1cca65568e " )
add_versions ( " v2.3.5 " , " 3cdaa24777f11fbc6da506d7f7b41fef31822006f83886dcf6e758a9941cae40 " )
add_patches ( " v2.3.3 " , path.join ( os.scriptdir ( ) , " patches " , " 2.3.3 " , " find-intl.patch " ) , " 0c80989cce85b8e69409498e3a5d1df41c1ce29bf11261bcb441fdbf08c42f85 " )
add_patches ( " v2.3.5 " , path.join ( os.scriptdir ( ) , " patches " , " 2.3.5 " , " find-intl.patch " ) , " b71c50191e3799e93606b2cf79e61098bdf52d681bd3e758103d2c43c192bfc5 " )
add_configs ( " aufile " , { description = " Compile support for sound file output " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " dbus " , { description = " Compile DBUS support " , default = not is_plat ( " windows " ) , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " jack " , { description = " Compile JACK support " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " libsndfile " , { description = " Compile libsndfile support " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " opensles " , { description = " compile OpenSLES support " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " network " , { description = " Enable network support (requires BSD or WIN sockets) " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " sdl2 " , { description = " Compile SDL2 audio support " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
if is_plat ( " linux " ) then
add_configs ( " pulseaudio " , { description = " Compile PulseAudio support " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " systemd " , { description = " Compile systemd support " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " readline " , { description = " Compile support for sound file output " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " threads " , { description = " Enable multi-threading support (such as parallel voice synthesis) " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " openmp " , { description = " Enable OpenMP support (parallelization of soundfont decoding, vectorization of voice mixing, etc.) " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
if is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
add_configs ( " shared " , { description = " Build shared library. " , default = true , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
add_deps ( " cmake " )
add_deps ( " glib " )
if is_plat ( " windows " ) then
add_deps ( " libiconv " )
add_deps ( " pkgconf " )
add_syslinks ( " ws2_32 " )
elseif is_plat ( " linux " ) then
add_deps ( " libiconv " )
add_deps ( " pkg-config " )
elseif is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
add_deps ( " libiconv " , { system = true } )
add_deps ( " libintl " )
add_deps ( " pkg-config " )
on_load ( function ( package )
local configdeps = {
dbus = " dbus " ,
libsndfile = " libsndfile " ,
openmp = " openmp " ,
readline = " readline " ,
sdl2 = " libsdl "
for config , info in pairs ( configdeps ) do
if package : config ( config ) then
package : add ( " deps " , info )
if package : config ( " opensles " ) then
package : add ( " links " , " OpenSLES " )
end )
on_install ( " windows " , " linux " , " macosx " , function ( package )
local configs = { }
local configopts = {
" aufile " , " dbus " , " jack " , " libsndfile " , " opensles " , " network " , " sdl2 " , " readline " , " pulseaudio " , " systemd " , " threads " , " openmp "
for _ , config in ipairs ( configopts ) do
table.insert ( configs , " -Denable- " .. config .. " = " .. ( package : config ( config ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS= " .. ( package : config ( " shared " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= " .. ( package : debug ( ) and " Debug " or " Release " ) )
import ( " " ) . install ( package )
if package : is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
local headersdir = package : installdir ( " Library/Frameworks/FluidSynth.framework/Headers " )
os.cp ( path.join ( headersdir , " **.h " ) , package : installdir ( " include " ) , { rootdir = headersdir } )
os.cp ( path.join ( package : installdir ( " Library/Frameworks/FluidSynth.framework " ) , " FluidSynth " ) ,
path.join ( package : installdir ( " lib " ) , " libFluidSynth.dylib " ) )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
void test ( ) {
fluid_settings_t * settings = new_fluid_settings ( ) ;
fluid_synth_t * synth = new_fluid_synth ( settings ) ;
delete_fluid_synth ( synth ) ;
delete_fluid_settings ( settings ) ;
] ] } , { includes = " fluidsynth.h " } ) )
end )