package ( " sentry-native " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " Sentry SDK for C, C++ and native applications. " )
set_urls ( "$(version)/ " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.9 " , " d01f66125e1fb80c02668d2ea6b908987323d3f477d69332ef21506a62606d40 " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.6 " , " 42180ad933a3a2bd86a1649ed0f1a41df20e783ce17c5cb1f86775f7caf06bc1 " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.5 " , " d9f1b44753fae3e9462aa1e6fd3021cb0ff2f51c1a1fa02b34510e3bc311f429 " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.2 " , " afb44d5cc4e0ec5f2e8068132c68256959188f6bf015e1837e7cc687014b9c70 " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.1 " , " c450a064b0dbb1883a355455db2b6469abef59c04686a53719384bbc7ff507d3 " )
add_versions ( " 0.7.0 " , " 4dfccc879a81771b9da1c335947ffc9e5987ca3d16b3035efa2c66a06f727543 " )
add_versions ( " 0.6.7 " , " 37d7880f837c85d0b19cac106b631c7b4524ff13f11cd31e8337da10842ea779 " )
add_versions ( " 0.6.6 " , " 7a98467c0b2571380a3afc5e681cb13aa406a709529be12d74610b0015ccde0c " )
add_versions ( " 0.6.5 " , " 5f74a5c5c3abc6e1e7825d3306be9e3b3fd4e0f586f3cf7e86607d6f56a71995 " )
add_versions ( " 0.6.4 " , " e00278bf9a4821bb4008985a5a552a84aba6ebb06d3f9e828082fcbf06b04a38 " )
add_versions ( " 0.6.3 " , " 6b515c17a9b860ea47c6a5fd7abdfdc89b4b8cbc654c23a8bb42a39bfcb87ad9 " )
add_versions ( " 0.5.0 " , " 87e67ad783a7ec4476b0eb4742bd40fe5a1e2435 " )
add_versions ( " 0.4.15 " , " ae3ac4efa76d431d8734d7b0b1bf9bbedaf2cbdb18dfc5c95e2411a67808cf29 " )
add_versions ( " 0.4.4 " , " fe6c711d42861e66e53bfd7ee0b2b226027c64446857f0d1bbb239ca824a3d8d " )
add_patches ( " 0.4.4 " , path.join ( os.scriptdir ( ) , " patches " , " 0.4.4 " , " zlib_fix.patch " ) , " 1a6ac711b7824112a9062ec1716a316facce5055498d1f87090d2cad031b865b " )
add_deps ( " cmake " )
add_configs ( " backend " , { description = " Set the backend of sentry to use " , type = " string " } )
if is_plat ( " windows " ) then
add_syslinks ( " dbghelp " , " winhttp " , " shlwapi " , " advapi32 " , " version " )
elseif is_plat ( " linux " ) then
add_deps ( " libcurl " )
add_syslinks ( " dl " , " pthread " , " rt " )
elseif is_plat ( " android " ) then
add_syslinks ( " dl " , " log " )
elseif is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
add_deps ( " libcurl " )
add_frameworks ( " CoreText " , " CoreGraphics " , " SystemConfiguration " , " CoreFoundation " , " Foundation " )
add_syslinks ( " bsm " )
on_check ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
# include < ranges >
template < typename T >
concept CR = std :: ranges :: contiguous_range < T > ;
void test ( ) { }
] ] } , { configs = { languages = " c++20 " } } ) , " package(sentry-native) Require at least C++20. " )
end )
on_load ( " windows " , " linux " , " macosx " , function ( package )
if not package : config ( " shared " ) then
package : add ( " defines " , " SENTRY_BUILD_STATIC " )
local backend
if package : is_plat ( " linux " ) then -- linux defaults to breakpad before 0.7 and then defaults to crashpad
backend = package : version ( ) and package : version ( ) : ge ( " 0.7 " ) and " crashpad " or " breakpad "
if package : config ( " backend " ) == " crashpad " then
backend = " crashpad "
elseif package : config ( " backend " ) == " breakpad " then
backend = " breakpad "
if backend == " crashpad " then
package : add ( " links " , " sentry " , " crashpad_client " , " crashpad_util " , " crashpad_minidump " , " crashpad_handler_lib " , " mini_chromium " , " crashpad_tools " , " crashpad_compat " , " crashpad_snapshot " )
package : add ( " deps " , " zlib " )
elseif backend == " breadpad " then
package : add ( " links " , " sentry " , " breakpad_client " )
end )
on_install ( " windows|x86 " , " windows|x64 " , " linux " , " macosx|x86_64 " , function ( package ) -- TODO: to enable android you will need to figure out the order of libs
local opt = { }
local configs = { }
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BUILD_TESTS=OFF " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= " .. ( package : debug ( ) and " Debug " or " Release " ) )
if package : config ( " shared " ) then
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF " )
if package : config ( " backend " ) then
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BACKEND= " .. package : config ( " backend " ) )
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
opt.cxflags = { " /experimental:preprocessor- " } -- fixes <Windows SDK>\um\oaidl.h(487): error C2059: syntax error: '/'
local vs_runtime = package : config ( " vs_runtime " )
table.insert ( configs , " -DSENTRY_BUILD_RUNTIMESTATIC= " .. ( ( vs_runtime == " MT " or vs_runtime == " MTd " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
elseif package : is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
opt.shflags = { " -framework " , " SystemConfiguration " }
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs , opt )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
void test ( int args , char ** argv ) {
sentry_options_t * options = sentry_options_new ( ) ;
sentry_init ( options ) ;
sentry_shutdown ( ) ;
] ] } , { includes = { " sentry.h " } } ) )
end )