package ( " aws-c-s3 " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service, designed for maximizing throughput on high bandwidth EC2 instances. " )
set_license ( " Apache-2.0 " )
add_urls ( "$(version).tar.gz " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " v0.5.9 " , " 7a337195b295406658d163b6dac64ff81f7556291b8a8e79e58ebaa2d55178ee " )
add_versions ( " v0.5.7 " , " 2f2eab9bf90a319030fd3525953dc7ac00c8dc8c0d33e3f0338f2a3b554d3b6a " )
add_versions ( " v0.3.17 " , " 72fd93a2f9a7d9f205d66890da249944b86f9528216dc0321be153bf19b2ecd5 " )
add_configs ( " asan " , { description = " Enable Address Sanitize. " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " assert_lock_help " , { description = " Enable ASSERT_SYNCED_DATA_LOCK_HELD for checking thread issue " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_deps ( " cmake " , " aws-c-common " , " aws-checksums " , " aws-c-io " , " aws-c-http " , " aws-c-auth " )
on_install ( " windows|x64 " , " windows|x86 " , " linux " , " macosx " , " bsd " , " msys " , " cross " , function ( package )
local cmakedir = package : dep ( " aws-c-common " ) : installdir ( " lib " , " cmake " )
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
cmakedir = cmakedir : gsub ( " \\ " , " / " )
local configs = { " -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF " , " -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH= " .. cmakedir }
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= " .. ( package : is_debug ( ) and " Debug " or " Release " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS= " .. ( package : config ( " shared " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DENABLE_SANITIZERS= " .. ( package : config ( " asan " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DASSERT_LOCK_HELD= " .. ( package : config ( " assert_lock_help " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
table.insert ( configs , " -DAWS_STATIC_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY= " .. ( package : config ( " vs_runtime " ) : startswith ( " MT " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : has_cfuncs ( " aws_s3_library_init " , { includes = " aws/s3/s3.h " } ) )
end )