package ( " thorvg " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " Thor Vector Graphics is a lightweight portable library used for drawing vector-based scenes and animations including SVG and Lottie. It can be freely utilized across various software platforms and applications to visualize graphical contents. " )
set_license ( " MIT " )
add_urls ( "$(version).tar.gz " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " v0.13.8 " , " ce49929a94d1686d4f1436da6ef5fa7a8439901c22b5fa0879d7d5879b8ba2bd " )
add_versions ( " v0.13.6 " , " f24fd3647e1a309dec00f6455b32258c0dd0e0dbd1133233169467571f188bad " )
add_versions ( " v0.13.5 " , " 977ed74c3846c9a6acd5765aff776745d40e3c91507b22e51177d59c69afd198 " )
add_versions ( " v0.13.2 " , " 03b5dbb4c73ff221a4bd7243cc0ad377aecff4c3077f5a57ee2902e4122d3218 " )
add_configs ( " engines " , { description = " Enable Rasterizer Engine in thorvg " , default = { " sw " } , type = " table " } )
add_configs ( " loaders " , { description = " Enable File Loaders " , type = " table " } )
add_configs ( " savers " , { description = " Enable File Savers " , type = " table " } )
add_configs ( " tools " , { description = " Enable building thorvg tools " , type = " table " } )
add_configs ( " extra " , { description = " Enable support for exceptionally advanced features " , type = " table " } )
add_configs ( " threads " , { description = " Enable the multi-threading task scheduler in thorvg " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " simd " , { description = " Enable CPU Vectorization(SIMD) in thorvg " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " log " , { description = " Enable log message " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " c_api " , { description = " Enable API bindings " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
if is_plat ( " wasm " ) then
add_configs ( " shared " , { description = " Build shared library. " , default = false , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
if is_plat ( " linux " , " bsd " ) then
add_syslinks ( " pthread " , " m " )
add_deps ( " meson " , " ninja " )
if is_plat ( " windows " ) then
add_deps ( " pkgconf " )
on_load ( function ( package )
import ( " core.base.hashset " )
local loaders = package : config ( " loaders " )
if loaders then
local loaders = hashset.from ( loaders )
if loaders then
local deps = { jpg = " libjpeg-turbo " , png = " libpng " , webp = " libwebp " }
if loaders : has ( " all " ) then
for _ , dep in pairs ( deps ) do
package : add ( " deps " , dep )
for name , dep in pairs ( deps ) do
if loaders : has ( name ) then
package : add ( " deps " , dep )
end )
on_install ( " !android " , function ( package )
if package : is_plat ( " mingw " ) then
io.replace ( " src/loaders/svg/tvgSvgLoader.cpp " , " float_t " , " float " , { plain = true } )
local configs = { }
if package : config ( " shared " ) then
table.insert ( configs , " -Ddefault_library=shared " )
table.insert ( configs , " -Ddefault_library=static " )
package : add ( " defines " , " TVG_STATIC " )
local loaders = package : config ( " loaders " )
local savers = package : config ( " savers " )
local tools = package : config ( " tools " )
local extra = package : config ( " extra " )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dengines= " .. table.concat ( package : config ( " engines " ) , " , " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dloaders= " .. ( loaders and table.concat ( loaders , " , " ) or " " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dsavers= " .. ( savers and table.concat ( savers , " , " ) or " " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dtools= " .. ( tools and table.concat ( tools , " , " ) or " " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dextra= " .. ( extra and table.concat ( extra , " , " ) or " " ) )
if package : config ( " c_api " ) then
table.insert ( configs , " -Dbindings=capi " )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dthreads= " .. ( package : config ( " threads " ) and " true " or " false " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dsimd= " .. ( package : config ( " simd " ) and " true " or " false " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -Dlog= " .. ( package : config ( " log " ) and " true " or " false " ) )
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
# include < thorvg.h >
void test ( ) {
tvg :: Initializer :: init ( tvg :: CanvasEngine :: Sw , 0 ) ;
] ] } , { configs = { languages = " c++14 " } } ) )
if package : config ( " c_api " ) then
assert ( package : has_cxxfuncs ( " tvg_engine_init " , { includes = " thorvg_capi.h " } ) )
end )