package ( " aws-lc " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " AWS-LC is a general-purpose cryptographic library maintained by the AWS Cryptography team for AWS and their customers. It іs based on code from the Google BoringSSL project and the OpenSSL project. " )
add_urls ( "$(version).tar.gz " ,
" " )
add_versions ( " v1.32.0 " , " 67fbb78659055c2289c9068bb4ca1c0f1b6ca27700c7f6d34c6bc2f27cd46314 " )
add_configs ( " jitter " , { description = " Enable FIPS entropy source: CPU Jitter " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " go " , { description = " Enable go " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " perl " , { description = " Enable perl " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_configs ( " tools " , { description = " Build tools " , default = false , type = " boolean " } )
add_deps ( " cmake " )
if is_plat ( " windows " , " mingw " ) or is_host ( " windows " ) then
add_deps ( " nasm " )
add_links ( " ssl " , " crypto " )
if is_plat ( " windows " , " mingw " ) then
add_syslinks ( " ws2_32 " )
elseif is_plat ( " linux " , " bsd " ) then
add_syslinks ( " pthread " , " dl " , " m " )
on_load ( function ( package )
if package : config ( " go " ) then
package : add ( " deps " , " go " )
if package : config ( " perl " ) and package : is_plat ( ) and ( not package : is_precompiled ( ) ) then
package : add ( " deps " , " strawberry-perl " )
end )
on_install ( " !cross and windows|!arm64 " , function ( package )
if package : config ( " shared " ) and package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
package : add ( " defines " , " BORINGSSL_SHARED_LIBRARY " )
local configs = {
table.insert ( configs , " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= " .. ( package : is_debug ( ) and " Debug " or " Release " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS= " .. ( package : config ( " shared " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DENABLE_FIPS_ENTROPY_CPU_JITTER= " .. ( package : config ( " jitter " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DDISABLE_GO= " .. ( package : config ( " go " ) and " OFF " or " ON " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DDISABLE_PERL= " .. ( package : config ( " perl " ) and " OFF " or " ON " ) )
table.insert ( configs , " -DBUILD_TOOL= " .. ( package : config ( " tools " ) and " ON " or " OFF " ) )
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : has_cfuncs ( " SSL_new " , { includes = " openssl/ssl.h " } ) )
end )