package ( " discord " )
set_homepage ( " " )
set_description ( " Whether you’re part of a school club, gaming group, worldwide art community, or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often. " )
add_versions ( " 2.5.6 " , " 426eb5fa70647d884f461c63825b63668349efb4bc68a16e70bc4a24e119b92e " )
add_versions ( " 3.2.1 " , " 6757bb4a1f5b42aa7b6707cbf2158420278760ac5d80d40ca708bb01d20ae6b4 " )
add_patches ( " 2.5.6 " , path.join ( os.scriptdir ( ) , " patches " , " 2.5.6 " , " add_include_cstdint_to_typeh.patch " ) , " 2d36408167da601b5bb19066a951dbcac4e9783dd3b7ef8bc5ea9c3e48391d1c " )
add_patches ( " 3.2.1 " , path.join ( os.scriptdir ( ) , " patches " , " 3.2.1 " , " add_include_cstdint_to_typeh.patch " ) , " 0ae6618dd5bf2e0149bbb3959dcd2f6df5b2a8e7295b7153eea2fd1e6d389ba0 " )
set_urls ( "$(version)/ " )
add_configs ( " shared " , { description = " Use shared binaries. " , default = false , type = " boolean " , readonly = true } )
add_configs ( " cppapi " , { description = " Enable C++ API. " , default = true , type = " boolean " } )
add_links ( " discordcpp " )
on_install ( " windows|x86 " , " windows|x64 " , " linux|x64 " , " linux|x86_64 " , " macosx|x86_64 " , " macosx|arm64 " , function ( package ) -- linux|x64 for retrocompatibility
if package : config ( " cppapi " ) then
os.cp ( " cpp/*.h " , package : installdir ( " include " ) )
os.cp ( " c/*.h " , package : installdir ( " include " ) )
local configs = { }
if package : is_plat ( " windows " ) then
if package : is_arch ( " x64 " ) then
os.cp ( " lib/x86_64/discord_game_sdk.dll " , package : installdir ( " bin " ) )
os.cp ( " lib/x86_64/discord_game_sdk.dll.lib " , package : installdir ( " lib " ) )
os.cp ( " lib/x86/discord_game_sdk.dll " , package : installdir ( " bin " ) )
os.cp ( " lib/x86/discord_game_sdk.dll.lib " , package : installdir ( " lib " ) )
package : add ( " links " , " discord_game_sdk.dll " )
elseif package : is_plat ( " linux " ) then
os.cp ( " lib/x86_64/ " , path.join ( package : installdir ( " lib " ) , " " ) )
package : add ( " links " , " discord_game_sdk " )
elseif package : is_plat ( " macosx " ) then
local version = package : version ( )
if ( ( version : major ( ) > 3 ) or ( version : major ( ) == 3 and version : minor ( ) >= 2 ) ) and package : is_arch ( " arm64 " ) then
os.cp ( " lib/aarch64/discord_game_sdk.dylib " , path.join ( package : installdir ( " lib " ) , " libdiscord_game_sdk.dylib " ) )
os.cp ( " lib/x86_64/discord_game_sdk.dylib " , path.join ( package : installdir ( " lib " ) , " libdiscord_game_sdk.dylib " ) )
package : add ( " links " , " discord_game_sdk " )
if package : config ( " cppapi " ) then
os.cp ( path.join ( package : scriptdir ( ) , " port " , " xmake.lua " ) , " xmake.lua " )
import ( " " ) . install ( package , configs )
end )
on_test ( function ( package )
assert ( package : check_cxxsnippets ( { test = [ [
void test ( ) {
discord :: Core * core { } ;
auto result = discord :: Core :: Create ( 310270644849737729 , DiscordCreateFlags_Default , & core ) ;
] ] } , { configs = { languages = " c++14 " } , includes = " discord.h " } ) )
end )