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# Ultralytics 🚀 AGPL-3.0 License -
import shutil
import uuid
from itertools import product
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from tests import MODEL, SOURCE
from ultralytics import YOLO
from ultralytics.cfg import TASK2DATA, TASK2MODEL, TASKS
from ultralytics.utils import (
from ultralytics.utils.torch_utils import TORCH_1_9, TORCH_1_13
def test_export_torchscript():
"""Test YOLO model exporting to TorchScript format for compatibility and correctness."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="torchscript", optimize=False, imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # exported model inference
def test_export_onnx():
"""Test YOLO model export to ONNX format with dynamic axes."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="onnx", dynamic=True, imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # exported model inference
@pytest.mark.skipif(not TORCH_1_13, reason="OpenVINO requires torch>=1.13")
def test_export_openvino():
"""Test YOLO exports to OpenVINO format for model inference compatibility."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="openvino", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # exported model inference
@pytest.mark.skipif(not TORCH_1_13, reason="OpenVINO requires torch>=1.13")
"task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms",
[ # generate all combinations except for exclusion cases
(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms)
for task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms in product(
TASKS, [True, False], [True, False], [True, False], [1, 2], [True, False]
if not ((int8 and half) or (task == "classify" and nms))
def test_export_openvino_matrix(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms):
"""Test YOLO model exports to OpenVINO under various configuration matrix conditions."""
file = YOLO(TASK2MODEL[task]).export(
# Use unique filenames due to Windows file permissions bug possibly due to latent threaded use
# See
file = Path(file)
file = file.rename(file.with_stem(f"{file.stem}-{uuid.uuid4()}"))
YOLO(file)([SOURCE] * batch, imgsz=64 if dynamic else 32) # exported model inference
shutil.rmtree(file, ignore_errors=True) # retry in case of potential lingering multi-threaded file usage errors
"task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, simplify, nms",
[ # generate all combinations except for exclusion cases
(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, simplify, nms)
for task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, simplify, nms in product(
TASKS, [True, False], [False], [False], [1, 2], [True, False], [True, False]
if not ((int8 and half) or (task == "classify" and nms) or (task == "obb" and nms and not TORCH_1_13))
def test_export_onnx_matrix(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, simplify, nms):
"""Test YOLO exports to ONNX format with various configurations and parameters."""
file = YOLO(TASK2MODEL[task]).export(
format="onnx", imgsz=32, dynamic=dynamic, int8=int8, half=half, batch=batch, simplify=simplify, nms=nms
YOLO(file)([SOURCE] * batch, imgsz=64 if dynamic else 32) # exported model inference
Path(file).unlink() # cleanup
"task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms",
[ # generate all combinations except for exclusion cases
(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms)
for task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms in product(TASKS, [False], [False], [False], [1, 2], [True, False])
if not (task == "classify" and nms)
def test_export_torchscript_matrix(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms):
"""Tests YOLO model exports to TorchScript format under varied configurations."""
file = YOLO(TASK2MODEL[task]).export(
format="torchscript", imgsz=32, dynamic=dynamic, int8=int8, half=half, batch=batch, nms=nms
YOLO(file)([SOURCE] * batch, imgsz=64 if dynamic else 32) # exported model inference
Path(file).unlink() # cleanup
@pytest.mark.skipif(not MACOS, reason="CoreML inference only supported on macOS")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not TORCH_1_9, reason="CoreML>=7.2 not supported with PyTorch<=1.8")
@pytest.mark.skipif(checks.IS_PYTHON_3_12, reason="CoreML not supported in Python 3.12")
"task, dynamic, int8, half, batch",
[ # generate all combinations except for exclusion cases
(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch)
for task, dynamic, int8, half, batch in product(TASKS, [False], [True, False], [True, False], [1])
if not (int8 and half)
def test_export_coreml_matrix(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch):
"""Test YOLO exports to CoreML format with various parameter configurations."""
file = YOLO(TASK2MODEL[task]).export(
YOLO(file)([SOURCE] * batch, imgsz=32) # exported model inference at batch=3
shutil.rmtree(file) # cleanup
@pytest.mark.skipif(not checks.IS_PYTHON_MINIMUM_3_10, reason="TFLite export requires Python>=3.10")
reason="Test disabled as TF suffers from install conflicts on Windows, macOS and Raspberry Pi",
"task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms",
[ # generate all combinations except for exclusion cases
(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms)
for task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms in product(
TASKS, [False], [True, False], [True, False], [1], [True, False]
if not ((int8 and half) or (task == "classify" and nms))
def test_export_tflite_matrix(task, dynamic, int8, half, batch, nms):
"""Test YOLO exports to TFLite format considering various export configurations."""
file = YOLO(TASK2MODEL[task]).export(
format="tflite", imgsz=32, dynamic=dynamic, int8=int8, half=half, batch=batch, nms=nms
YOLO(file)([SOURCE] * batch, imgsz=32) # exported model inference at batch=3
Path(file).unlink() # cleanup
@pytest.mark.skipif(not TORCH_1_9, reason="CoreML>=7.2 not supported with PyTorch<=1.8")
@pytest.mark.skipif(WINDOWS, reason="CoreML not supported on Windows") # RuntimeError: BlobWriter not loaded
@pytest.mark.skipif(LINUX and ARM64, reason="CoreML not supported on aarch64 Linux")
@pytest.mark.skipif(checks.IS_PYTHON_3_12, reason="CoreML not supported in Python 3.12")
def test_export_coreml():
"""Test YOLO exports to CoreML format, optimized for macOS only."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="coreml", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # model prediction only supported on macOS for nms=False models
YOLO(MODEL).export(format="coreml", nms=True, imgsz=32)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not checks.IS_PYTHON_MINIMUM_3_10, reason="TFLite export requires Python>=3.10")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not LINUX, reason="Test disabled as TF suffers from install conflicts on Windows and macOS")
def test_export_tflite():
"""Test YOLO exports to TFLite format under specific OS and Python version conditions."""
model = YOLO(MODEL)
file = model.export(format="tflite", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32)
@pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Test disabled")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not LINUX, reason="TF suffers from install conflicts on Windows and macOS")
def test_export_pb():
"""Test YOLO exports to TensorFlow's Protobuf (*.pb) format."""
model = YOLO(MODEL)
file = model.export(format="pb", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32)
@pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Test disabled as Paddle protobuf and ONNX protobuf requirements conflict.")
def test_export_paddle():
"""Test YOLO exports to Paddle format, noting protobuf conflicts with ONNX."""
YOLO(MODEL).export(format="paddle", imgsz=32)
def test_export_mnn():
"""Test YOLO exports to MNN format (WARNING: MNN test must precede NCNN test or CI error on Windows)."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="mnn", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # exported model inference
def test_export_ncnn():
"""Test YOLO exports to NCNN format."""
file = YOLO(MODEL).export(format="ncnn", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32) # exported model inference
@pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Test disabled as keras and tensorflow version conflicts with tflite export.")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not LINUX or MACOS, reason="Skipping test on Windows and Macos")
def test_export_imx():
"""Test YOLO exports to IMX format."""
model = YOLO("")
file = model.export(format="imx", imgsz=32)
YOLO(file)(SOURCE, imgsz=32)