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Argument Type Default Description
show bool False If True, displays the annotated images or videos in a window. Useful for immediate visual feedback during development or testing.
save bool False or True Enables saving of the annotated images or videos to file. Useful for documentation, further analysis, or sharing results. Defaults to True when using CLI & False when used in Python.
save_frames bool False When processing videos, saves individual frames as images. Useful for extracting specific frames or for detailed frame-by-frame analysis.
save_txt bool False Saves detection results in a text file, following the format [class] [x_center] [y_center] [width] [height] [confidence]. Useful for integration with other analysis tools.
save_conf bool False Includes confidence scores in the saved text files. Enhances the detail available for post-processing and analysis.
save_crop bool False Saves cropped images of detections. Useful for dataset augmentation, analysis, or creating focused datasets for specific objects.
show_labels bool True Displays labels for each detection in the visual output. Provides immediate understanding of detected objects.
show_conf bool True Displays the confidence score for each detection alongside the label. Gives insight into the model's certainty for each detection.
show_boxes bool True Draws bounding boxes around detected objects. Essential for visual identification and location of objects in images or video frames.
line_width None or int None Specifies the line width of bounding boxes. If None, the line width is automatically adjusted based on the image size. Provides visual customization for clarity.