# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license |
""" |
Helper file to build Ultralytics Docs reference section. Recursively walks through ultralytics dir and builds an MkDocs |
reference section of *.md files composed of classes and functions, and also creates a nav menu for use in mkdocs.yaml. |
Note: Must be run from repository root directory. Do not run from docs directory. |
""" |
import re |
from collections import defaultdict |
from pathlib import Path |
from ultralytics.utils import ROOT |
NEW_YAML_DIR = ROOT.parent |
REFERENCE_DIR = ROOT.parent / 'docs/en/reference' |
def extract_classes_and_functions(filepath: Path) -> tuple: |
"""Extracts class and function names from a given Python file.""" |
content = filepath.read_text() |
class_pattern = r'(?:^|\n)class\s(\w+)(?:\(|:)' |
func_pattern = r'(?:^|\n)def\s(\w+)\(' |
classes = re.findall(class_pattern, content) |
functions = re.findall(func_pattern, content) |
return classes, functions |
def create_markdown(py_filepath: Path, module_path: str, classes: list, functions: list): |
"""Creates a Markdown file containing the API reference for the given Python module.""" |
md_filepath = py_filepath.with_suffix('.md') |
# Read existing content and keep header content between first two --- |
header_content = '' |
if md_filepath.exists(): |
existing_content = md_filepath.read_text() |
header_parts = existing_content.split('---') |
for part in header_parts: |
if 'description:' in part or 'comments:' in part: |
header_content += f'---{part}---\n\n' |
module_name = module_path.replace('.__init__', '') |
module_path = module_path.replace('.', '/') |
url = f'https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/main/{module_path}.py' |
edit = f'https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/edit/main/{module_path}.py' |
title_content = ( |
f'# Reference for `{module_path}.py`\n\n' |
f'!!! Note\n\n' |
f' This file is available at [{url}]({url}). If you spot a problem please help fix it by [contributing](https://docs.ultralytics.com/help/contributing/) a [Pull Request]({edit}) 🛠️. Thank you 🙏!\n\n' |
) |
md_content = [f'---\n## ::: {module_name}.{class_name}\n<br><br>\n' for class_name in classes] |
md_content.extend(f'---\n## ::: {module_name}.{func_name}\n<br><br>\n' for func_name in functions) |
md_content = header_content + title_content + '\n'.join(md_content) |
if not md_content.endswith('\n'): |
md_content += '\n' |
md_filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
md_filepath.write_text(md_content) |
return md_filepath.relative_to(NEW_YAML_DIR) |
def nested_dict() -> defaultdict: |
"""Creates and returns a nested defaultdict.""" |
return defaultdict(nested_dict) |
def sort_nested_dict(d: dict) -> dict: |
"""Sorts a nested dictionary recursively.""" |
return {key: sort_nested_dict(value) if isinstance(value, dict) else value for key, value in sorted(d.items())} |
def create_nav_menu_yaml(nav_items: list): |
"""Creates a YAML file for the navigation menu based on the provided list of items.""" |
nav_tree = nested_dict() |
for item_str in nav_items: |
item = Path(item_str) |
parts = item.parts |
current_level = nav_tree['reference'] |
for part in parts[2:-1]: # skip the first two parts (docs and reference) and the last part (filename) |
current_level = current_level[part] |
md_file_name = parts[-1].replace('.md', '') |
current_level[md_file_name] = item |
nav_tree_sorted = sort_nested_dict(nav_tree) |
def _dict_to_yaml(d, level=0): |
"""Converts a nested dictionary to a YAML-formatted string with indentation.""" |
yaml_str = '' |
indent = ' ' * level |
for k, v in d.items(): |
if isinstance(v, dict): |
yaml_str += f'{indent}- {k}:\n{_dict_to_yaml(v, level + 1)}' |
else: |
yaml_str += f"{indent}- {k}: {str(v).replace('docs/en/', '')}\n" |
return yaml_str |
# Print updated YAML reference section |
print('Scan complete, new mkdocs.yaml reference section is:\n\n', _dict_to_yaml(nav_tree_sorted)) |
# Save new YAML reference section |
# (NEW_YAML_DIR / 'nav_menu_updated.yml').write_text(_dict_to_yaml(nav_tree_sorted)) |
def main(): |
"""Main function to extract class and function names, create Markdown files, and generate a YAML navigation menu.""" |
nav_items = [] |
for py_filepath in CODE_DIR.rglob('*.py'): |
classes, functions = extract_classes_and_functions(py_filepath) |
if classes or functions: |
py_filepath_rel = py_filepath.relative_to(CODE_DIR) |
md_filepath = REFERENCE_DIR / py_filepath_rel |
module_path = f"ultralytics.{py_filepath_rel.with_suffix('').as_posix().replace('/', '.')}" |
md_rel_filepath = create_markdown(md_filepath, module_path, classes, functions) |
nav_items.append(str(md_rel_filepath)) |
create_nav_menu_yaml(nav_items) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |