# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license # Ultralytics Actions https://github.com/ultralytics/actions # This workflow automatically formats code and documentation in PRs to official Ultralytics standards name: Ultralytics Actions on: issues: types: [opened, edited] pull_request_target: branches: [main] types: [opened, closed, synchronize] jobs: format: runs-on: macos-14 steps: - name: Run Ultralytics Formatting uses: ultralytics/actions@main with: token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN || secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # note GITHUB_TOKEN automatically generated labels: true # autolabel issues and PRs python: true # format Python code and docstrings markdown: true # format Markdown prettier: true # format YAML spelling: true # check spelling links: false # check broken links summary: true # print PR summary with GPT4 (requires 'openai_api_key' or 'openai_azure_api_key' and 'openai_azure_endpoint') openai_azure_api_key: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_AZURE_API_KEY }} openai_azure_endpoint: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_AZURE_ENDPOINT }}