# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license # Test and publish docs to https://docs.ultralytics.com # Ignores the following Docs rules to match Google-style docstrings: # D100: Missing docstring in public module # D104: Missing docstring in public package # D203: 1 blank line required before class docstring # D205: 1 blank line required between summary line and description # D212: Multi-line docstring summary should start at the first line # D213: Multi-line docstring summary should start at the second line # D401: First line of docstring should be in imperative mood # D406: Section name should end with a newline # D407: Missing dashed underline after section # D413: Missing blank line after last section name: Publish Docs on: push: branches: [main] pull_request_target: branches: [main] workflow_dispatch: jobs: Docs: if: github.repository == 'ultralytics/ultralytics' runs-on: macos-14 steps: - name: Git config run: | git config --global user.name "UltralyticsAssistant" git config --global user.email "web@ultralytics.com" - name: Checkout Repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name || github.repository }} token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ref: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }} fetch-depth: 0 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: "3.x" cache: "pip" # caching pip dependencies - name: Install Dependencies run: pip install ruff black tqdm mkdocs-material "mkdocstrings[python]" mkdocs-jupyter mkdocs-redirects mkdocs-ultralytics-plugin mkdocs-macros-plugin - name: Ruff fixes continue-on-error: true run: ruff check --fix --fix-unsafe --select D --ignore=D100,D104,D203,D205,D212,D213,D401,D406,D407,D413 . - name: Update Docs Reference Section and Push Changes if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' run: | python docs/build_reference.py git pull origin ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }} git add . git reset HEAD -- .github/workflows/ # workflow changes are not permitted with default token if ! git diff --staged --quiet; then git commit -m "Auto-update Ultralytics Docs Reference by https://ultralytics.com/actions" git push else echo "No changes to commit" fi - name: Ruff checks run: ruff check --select D --ignore=D100,D104,D203,D205,D212,D213,D401,D406,D407,D413 . - name: Build Docs and Check for Warnings run: | export JUPYTER_PLATFORM_DIRS=1 python docs/build_docs.py - name: Commit and Push Docs changes continue-on-error: true if: always() && github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' run: | git pull origin ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }} git add --update # only add updated files git reset HEAD -- .github/workflows/ # workflow changes are not permitted with default token if ! git diff --staged --quiet; then git commit -m "Auto-update Ultralytics Docs by https://ultralytics.com/actions" git push else echo "No changes to commit" fi - name: Publish Docs to https://docs.ultralytics.com if: github.event_name == 'push' env: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }} INDEXNOW_KEY: ${{ secrets.INDEXNOW_KEY_DOCS }} run: | git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/docs.git docs-repo cd docs-repo git checkout gh-pages || git checkout -b gh-pages rm -rf * cp -R ../site/* . echo "$INDEXNOW_KEY" > "$INDEXNOW_KEY.txt" git add . if git diff --staged --quiet; then echo "No changes to commit" else LATEST_HASH=$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD) git commit -m "Update Docs for 'ultralytics ${{ steps.check_pypi.outputs.version }} - $LATEST_HASH'" git push https://$PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN@github.com/ultralytics/docs.git gh-pages fi