# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license """ Script to fix broken Markdown links and front matter in language-specific directories. This script processes markdown files in language-specific directories (like /zh/). It finds Markdown links and checks their existence. If a link is broken and does not exist in the language-specific directory but exists in the /en/ directory, the script updates the link to point to the corresponding file in the /en/ directory. It also ensures that front matter keywords like 'comments:', 'description:', and 'keywords:' are not translated and remain in English. """ import re from pathlib import Path class MarkdownLinkFixer: """Class to fix Markdown links and front matter in language-specific directories.""" def __init__(self, base_dir, update_links=True, update_frontmatter=True, update_iframes=True): """Initialize the MarkdownLinkFixer with the base directory.""" self.base_dir = Path(base_dir) self.update_links = update_links self.update_frontmatter = update_frontmatter self.update_iframes = update_iframes self.md_link_regex = re.compile(r'\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^:\)]+)\.md\)') self.front_matter_regex = re.compile(r'^(comments|description|keywords):.*$', re.MULTILINE) self.translations = { 'zh': ['评论', '描述', '关键词'], # Mandarin Chinese (Simplified) 'es': ['comentarios', 'descripción', 'palabras clave'], # Spanish 'ru': ['комментарии', 'описание', 'ключевые слова'], # Russian 'pt': ['comentários', 'descrição', 'palavras-chave'], # Portuguese 'fr': ['commentaires', 'description', 'mots-clés'], # French 'de': ['Kommentare', 'Beschreibung', 'Schlüsselwörter'], # German 'ja': ['コメント', '説明', 'キーワード'], # Japanese 'ko': ['댓글', '설명', '키워드'] # Korean } # front matter translations for comments, description, keyword def replace_front_matter(self, content): """Ensure front matter keywords remain in English.""" english_keys = ['comments', 'description', 'keywords'] for lang, terms in self.translations.items(): for term, eng_key in zip(terms, english_keys): if eng_key == 'comments': # Replace comments key and set its value to 'true' content = re.sub(rf'{term} *:.*', f'{eng_key}: true', content) else: content = re.sub(rf'{term} *:', f'{eng_key}:', content) return content def update_iframe(self, content): """Update the 'allow' attribute of iframe if it does not contain the specific English permissions.""" english_permissions = 'accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share' pattern = re.compile(f'allow="(?!{re.escape(english_permissions)}).+?"') return pattern.sub(f'allow="{english_permissions}"', content) def link_replacer(self, match, parent_dir, lang_dir, use_abs_link=False): """Replace broken links with corresponding links in the /en/ directory.""" text, path = match.groups() linked_path = (parent_dir / path).resolve().with_suffix('.md') if not linked_path.exists(): en_linked_path = Path(str(linked_path).replace(str(lang_dir), str(lang_dir.parent / 'en'))) if en_linked_path.exists(): if use_abs_link: # Use absolute links WARNING: BUGS, DO NOT USE docs_root_relative_path = en_linked_path.relative_to(lang_dir.parent) updated_path = str(docs_root_relative_path).replace('en/', '/../') else: # Use relative links steps_up = len(parent_dir.relative_to(self.base_dir).parts) updated_path = Path('../' * steps_up) / en_linked_path.relative_to(self.base_dir) updated_path = str(updated_path).replace('/en/', '/') print(f"Redirecting link '[{text}]({path})' from {parent_dir} to {updated_path}") return f'[{text}]({updated_path})' else: print(f"Warning: Broken link '[{text}]({path})' found in {parent_dir} does not exist in /docs/en/.") return match.group(0) def process_markdown_file(self, md_file_path, lang_dir): """Process each markdown file in the language directory.""" print(f'Processing file: {md_file_path}') with open(md_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as file: content = file.read() if self.update_links: content = self.md_link_regex.sub(lambda m: self.link_replacer(m, md_file_path.parent, lang_dir), content) if self.update_frontmatter: content = self.replace_front_matter(content) if self.update_iframes: content = self.update_iframe(content) with open(md_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(content) def process_language_directory(self, lang_dir): """Process each language-specific directory.""" print(f'Processing language directory: {lang_dir}') for md_file in lang_dir.rglob('*.md'): self.process_markdown_file(md_file, lang_dir) def run(self): """Run the link fixing and front matter updating process for each language-specific directory.""" for subdir in self.base_dir.iterdir(): if subdir.is_dir() and re.match(r'^\w\w$', subdir.name) and subdir.name != 'en': self.process_language_directory(subdir) if __name__ == '__main__': # Set the path to your MkDocs 'docs' directory here docs_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve()) fixer = MarkdownLinkFixer(docs_dir, update_links=True, update_frontmatter=True, update_iframes=True) fixer.run()