# YOLOv8-ONNXRuntime-Rust for All the Key YOLO Tasks This repository provides a Rust demo for performing YOLOv8 tasks like `Classification`, `Segmentation`, `Detection`, `Pose Detection` and `OBB` using ONNXRuntime. ## Recently Updated - Add YOLOv8-OBB demo - Update ONNXRuntime to 1.17.x Newly updated YOLOv8 example code is located in this repository (https://github.com/jamjamjon/usls/tree/main/examples/yolov8) ## Features - Support `Classification`, `Segmentation`, `Detection`, `Pose(Keypoints)-Detection`, `OBB` tasks. - Support `FP16` & `FP32` ONNX models. - Support `CPU`, `CUDA` and `TensorRT` execution provider to accelerate computation. - Support dynamic input shapes(`batch`, `width`, `height`). ## Installation ### 1. Install Rust Please follow the Rust official installation. (https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ### 2. Install ONNXRuntime This repository use `ort` crate, which is ONNXRuntime wrapper for Rust. (https://docs.rs/ort/latest/ort/) You can follow the instruction with `ort` doc or simply do this: - step1: Download ONNXRuntime(https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases) - setp2: Set environment variable `PATH` for linking. On ubuntu, You can do like this: ```bash vim ~/.bashrc # Add the path of ONNXRUntime lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/qweasd/Documents/onnxruntime-linux-x64-gpu-1.16.3/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} source ~/.bashrc ``` ### 3. \[Optional\] Install CUDA & CuDNN & TensorRT - CUDA execution provider requires CUDA v11.6+. - TensorRT execution provider requires CUDA v11.4+ and TensorRT v8.4+. ## Get Started ### 1. Export the YOLOv8 ONNX Models ```bash pip install -U ultralytics # export onnx model with dynamic shapes yolo export model=yolov8m.pt format=onnx simplify dynamic yolo export model=yolov8m-cls.pt format=onnx simplify dynamic yolo export model=yolov8m-pose.pt format=onnx simplify dynamic yolo export model=yolov8m-seg.pt format=onnx simplify dynamic # export onnx model with constant shapes yolo export model=yolov8m.pt format=onnx simplify yolo export model=yolov8m-cls.pt format=onnx simplify yolo export model=yolov8m-pose.pt format=onnx simplify yolo export model=yolov8m-seg.pt format=onnx simplify ``` ### 2. Run Inference It will perform inference with the ONNX model on the source image. ```bash cargo run --release -- --model --source ``` Set `--cuda` to use CUDA execution provider to speed up inference. ```bash cargo run --release -- --cuda --model --source ``` Set `--trt` to use TensorRT execution provider, and you can set `--fp16` at the same time to use TensorRT FP16 engine. ```bash cargo run --release -- --trt --fp16 --model --source ``` Set `--device_id` to select which device to run. When you have only one GPU, and you set `device_id` to 1 will not cause program panic, the `ort` would automatically fall back to `CPU` EP. ```bash cargo run --release -- --cuda --device_id 0 --model --source ``` Set `--batch` to do multi-batch-size inference. If you're using `--trt`, you can also set `--batch-min` and `--batch-max` to explicitly specify min/max/opt batch for dynamic batch input.(https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/TensorRT-ExecutionProvider.html#explicit-shape-range-for-dynamic-shape-input).(Note that the ONNX model should exported with dynamic shapes) ```bash cargo run --release -- --cuda --batch 2 --model --source ``` Set `--height` and `--width` to do dynamic image size inference. (Note that the ONNX model should exported with dynamic shapes) ```bash cargo run --release -- --cuda --width 480 --height 640 --model --source ``` Set `--profile` to check time consumed in each stage.(Note that the model usually needs to take 1~3 times dry run to warmup. Make sure to run enough times to evaluate the result.) ```bash cargo run --release -- --trt --fp16 --profile --model --source ``` Results: (yolov8m.onnx, batch=1, 3 times, trt, fp16, RTX 3060Ti) ```bash ==> 0 [Model Preprocess]: 12.75788ms [ORT H2D]: 237.118µs [ORT Inference]: 507.895469ms [ORT D2H]: 191.655µs [Model Inference]: 508.34589ms [Model Postprocess]: 1.061122ms ==> 1 [Model Preprocess]: 13.658655ms [ORT H2D]: 209.975µs [ORT Inference]: 5.12372ms [ORT D2H]: 182.389µs [Model Inference]: 5.530022ms [Model Postprocess]: 1.04851ms ==> 2 [Model Preprocess]: 12.475332ms [ORT H2D]: 246.127µs [ORT Inference]: 5.048432ms [ORT D2H]: 187.117µs [Model Inference]: 5.493119ms [Model Postprocess]: 1.040906ms ``` And also: `--conf`: confidence threshold \[default: 0.3\] `--iou`: iou threshold in NMS \[default: 0.45\] `--kconf`: confidence threshold of keypoint \[default: 0.55\] `--plot`: plot inference result with random RGB color and save you can check out all CLI arguments by: ```bash git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics cd ultralytics/examples/YOLOv8-ONNXRuntime-Rust cargo run --release -- --help ``` ## Examples ![Ultralytics YOLO Tasks](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/assets/main/im/banner-tasks.png) ### Classification Running dynamic shape ONNX model on `CPU` with image size `--height 224 --width 224`. Saving plotted image in `runs` directory. ```bash cargo run --release -- --model ../assets/weights/yolov8m-cls-dyn.onnx --source ../assets/images/dog.jpg --height 224 --width 224 --plot --profile ``` You will see result like: ```bash Summary: > Task: Classify (Ultralytics 8.0.217) > EP: Cpu > Dtype: Float32 > Batch: 1 (Dynamic), Height: 224 (Dynamic), Width: 224 (Dynamic) > nc: 1000 nk: 0, nm: 0, conf: 0.3, kconf: 0.55, iou: 0.45 [Model Preprocess]: 16.363477ms [ORT H2D]: 50.722µs [ORT Inference]: 16.295808ms [ORT D2H]: 8.37µs [Model Inference]: 16.367046ms [Model Postprocess]: 3.527µs [ YOLOResult { Probs(top5): Some([(208, 0.6950566), (209, 0.13823675), (178, 0.04849795), (215, 0.019029364), (212, 0.016506357)]), Bboxes: None, Keypoints: None, Masks: None, }, ] ``` ### Object Detection Using `CUDA` EP and dynamic image size `--height 640 --width 480` ```bash cargo run --release -- --cuda --model ../assets/weights/yolov8m-dynamic.onnx --source ../assets/images/bus.jpg --plot --height 640 --width 480 ``` ### Pose Detection using `TensorRT` EP ```bash cargo run --release -- --trt --model ../assets/weights/yolov8m-pose.onnx --source ../assets/images/bus.jpg --plot ``` ### Instance Segmentation using `TensorRT` EP and FP16 model `--fp16` ```bash cargo run --release -- --trt --fp16 --model ../assets/weights/yolov8m-seg.onnx --source ../assets/images/0172.jpg --plot ```