| Argument | Type | Default | Description | | ------------- | --------------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `show` | `bool` | `False` | If `True`, displays the annotated images or videos in a window. Useful for immediate visual feedback during development or testing. | | `save` | `bool` | `False` or `True` | Enables saving of the annotated images or videos to file. Useful for documentation, further analysis, or sharing results. Defaults to True when using CLI & False when used in Python. | | `save_frames` | `bool` | `False` | When processing videos, saves individual frames as images. Useful for extracting specific frames or for detailed frame-by-frame analysis. | | `save_txt` | `bool` | `False` | Saves detection results in a text file, following the format `[class] [x_center] [y_center] [width] [height] [confidence]`. Useful for integration with other analysis tools. | | `save_conf` | `bool` | `False` | Includes confidence scores in the saved text files. Enhances the detail available for post-processing and analysis. | | `save_crop` | `bool` | `False` | Saves cropped images of detections. Useful for dataset augmentation, analysis, or creating focused datasets for specific objects. | | `show_labels` | `bool` | `True` | Displays labels for each detection in the visual output. Provides immediate understanding of detected objects. | | `show_conf` | `bool` | `True` | Displays the confidence score for each detection alongside the label. Gives insight into the model's certainty for each detection. | | `show_boxes` | `bool` | `True` | Draws bounding boxes around detected objects. Essential for visual identification and location of objects in images or video frames. | | `line_width` | `None` or `int` | `None` | Specifies the line width of bounding boxes. If `None`, the line width is automatically adjusted based on the image size. Provides visual customization for clarity. |