RizwanMunawar 5 months ago
parent e265320379
commit fe4529368a
  1. 51

@ -695,33 +695,30 @@ class Annotator:
cv2.circle(self.im, (int(x_coord), int(y_coord)), radius, (0, 255, 0), -1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
return self.im
# def plot_workout_information(self, display_text, position, color, txt_color):
# """
# Draw text with a background on the image.
# Args:
# display_text (str): The text to be displayed.
# position (tuple): Coordinates (x, y) on the image where the text will be placed.
# color (tuple): Background color of the text. Default is (104, 31, 17).
# txt_color (tuple): Text color. Default is (255, 255, 255).
# Returns:
# text_height: (float): height of the text, used for positioning other elements.
# """
# (text_width, text_height), _ = cv2.getTextSize(display_text, 0, self.sf, self.tf)
# # Draw background rectangle
# cv2.rectangle(
# self.im,
# (position[0], position[1] - text_height - 5),
# (position[0] + text_width + 10, position[1] - text_height - 5 + text_height + 10 + self.tf),
# color,
# -1,
# )
# # Draw text
# cv2.putText(self.im, display_text, position, 0, self.sf, txt_color, self.tf)
# return text_height
def plot_workout_information(self, display_text, position, color=(104, 31, 17), txt_color=(255, 255, 255)):
Draw text with a background on the image.
display_text (str): The text to be displayed.
position (tuple): Coordinates (x, y) on the image where the text will be placed.
color (tuple, optional): Text background color
txt_color (tuple, optional): Text foreground color
(text_width, text_height), _ = cv2.getTextSize(display_text, 0, self.sf, self.tf)
# Draw background rectangle
(position[0], position[1] - text_height - 5),
(position[0] + text_width + 10, position[1] - text_height - 5 + text_height + 10 + self.tf),
# Draw text
cv2.putText(self.im, display_text, position, 0, self.sf, txt_color, self.tf)
return text_height
def plot_angle_and_count_and_stage(
self, angle_text, count_text, stage_text, center_kpt, color=(104, 31, 17), txt_color=(255, 255, 255)
