@ -213,32 +213,6 @@ def convert_plaintext_links_to_html(content): |
return str(soup) if modified else content |
def remove_macros(): |
# Delete the /macros directory and sitemap.xml.gz from the built site |
shutil.rmtree(SITE / "macros", ignore_errors=True) |
(SITE / "sitemap.xml.gz").unlink(missing_ok=True) |
# Process sitemap.xml |
sitemap = SITE / "sitemap.xml" |
lines = sitemap.read_text(encoding="utf-8").splitlines(keepends=True) |
# Find indices of '/macros/' lines |
macros_indices = [i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if "/macros/" in line] |
# Create a set of indices to remove (including lines before and after) |
indices_to_remove = set() |
for i in macros_indices: |
indices_to_remove.update(range(i - 1, i + 4)) # i-1, i, i+1, i+2, i+3 |
# Create new list of lines, excluding the ones to remove |
new_lines = [line for i, line in enumerate(lines) if i not in indices_to_remove] |
# Write the cleaned content back to the file |
sitemap.write_text("".join(new_lines), encoding="utf-8") |
print(f"Removed {len(macros_indices)} URLs containing '/macros/' from {sitemap}") |
def main(): |
"""Builds docs, updates titles and edit links, and prints local server command.""" |
prepare_docs_markdown() |
@ -246,7 +220,6 @@ def main(): |
# Build the main documentation |
print(f"Building docs from {DOCS}") |
subprocess.run(f"mkdocs build -f {DOCS.parent}/mkdocs.yml --strict", check=True, shell=True) |
remove_macros() |
print(f"Site built at {SITE}") |
# Update docs HTML pages |