@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ TensorFlow.js:
import json
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import time
import warnings
@ -90,8 +89,8 @@ def export_formats():
[ ' TensorFlow SavedModel ' , ' saved_model ' , ' _saved_model ' , True , True ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow GraphDef ' , ' pb ' , ' .pb ' , True , True ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow Lite ' , ' tflite ' , ' .tflite ' , True , False ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow Edge TPU ' , ' edgetpu ' , ' _edgetpu.tflite ' , Fals e, False ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow.js ' , ' tfjs ' , ' _web_model ' , Fals e, False ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow Edge TPU ' , ' edgetpu ' , ' _edgetpu.tflite ' , Tru e, False ] ,
[ ' TensorFlow.js ' , ' tfjs ' , ' _web_model ' , Tru e, False ] ,
[ ' PaddlePaddle ' , ' paddle ' , ' _paddle_model ' , True , True ] , ]
return pd . DataFrame ( x , columns = [ ' Format ' , ' Argument ' , ' Suffix ' , ' CPU ' , ' GPU ' ] )
@ -100,6 +99,15 @@ EXPORT_FORMATS_LIST = list(export_formats()['Argument'][1:])
EXPORT_FORMATS_TABLE = str ( export_formats ( ) )
def gd_outputs ( gd ) :
# TensorFlow GraphDef model output node names
name_list , input_list = [ ] , [ ]
for node in gd . node : # tensorflow.core.framework.node_def_pb2.NodeDef
name_list . append ( node . name )
input_list . extend ( node . input )
return sorted ( f ' { x } :0 ' for x in list ( set ( name_list ) - set ( input_list ) ) if not x . startswith ( ' NoOp ' ) )
def try_export ( inner_func ) :
# YOLOv8 export decorator, i..e @try_export
inner_args = get_default_args ( inner_func )
@ -164,10 +172,10 @@ class Exporter:
# Checks
model . names = check_class_names ( model . names )
self . imgsz = check_imgsz ( self . args . imgsz , stride = model . stride , min_dim = 2 ) # check image size
if model . task == ' classify ' :
self . args . nms = self . args . agnostic_nms = False
if self . args . optimize :
assert self . device . type == ' cpu ' , ' --optimize not compatible with cuda devices, i.e. use --device cpu '
if edgetpu and not LINUX :
raise SystemError ( ' Edge TPU export only supported on Linux. See https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/compiler/ ' )
# Input
im = torch . zeros ( self . args . batch , 3 , * self . imgsz ) . to ( self . device )
@ -239,8 +247,7 @@ class Exporter:
' Please consider contributing to the effort if you have TF expertise. Thank you! ' )
nms = False
self . args . int8 | = edgetpu
f [ 5 ] , s_model = self . _export_saved_model ( nms = nms or self . args . agnostic_nms or tfjs ,
agnostic_nms = self . args . agnostic_nms or tfjs )
f [ 5 ] , s_model = self . _export_saved_model ( )
if pb or tfjs : # pb prerequisite to tfjs
f [ 6 ] , _ = self . _export_pb ( s_model )
if tflite :
@ -386,7 +393,7 @@ class Exporter:
check_requirements ( ' coremltools>=6.0 ' )
import coremltools as ct # noqa
class iOSModel ( torch . nn . Module ) :
class iOSDetect Model ( torch . nn . Module ) :
# Wrap an Ultralytics YOLO model for iOS export
def __init__ ( self , model , im ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
@ -405,29 +412,36 @@ class Exporter:
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } starting export with coremltools { ct . __version__ } ... ' )
f = self . file . with_suffix ( ' .mlmodel ' )
bias = [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ]
scale = 1 / 255
classifier_config = None
if self . model . task == ' classify ' :
bias = [ - x for x in IMAGENET_MEAN ]
scale = 1 / 255 / ( sum ( IMAGENET_STD ) / 3 )
classifier_config = ct . ClassifierConfig ( list ( self . model . names . values ( ) ) ) if self . args . nms else None
else :
bias = [ 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ]
scale = 1 / 255
classifier_config = None
model = iOSModel ( self . model , self . im ) . eval ( ) if self . args . nms else self . model
ts = torch . jit . trace ( model , self . im , strict = False ) # TorchScript model
model = self . model
elif self . model . task == ' detect ' :
model = iOSDetectModel ( self . model , self . im ) if self . args . nms else self . model
elif self . model . task == ' segment ' :
# TODO CoreML Segmentation model pipelining
model = self . model
ts = torch . jit . trace ( model . eval ( ) , self . im , strict = False ) # TorchScript model
ct_model = ct . convert ( ts ,
inputs = [ ct . ImageType ( ' image ' , shape = self . im . shape , scale = scale , bias = bias ) ] ,
classifier_config = classifier_config )
bits , mode = ( 8 , ' kmeans_lut ' ) if self . args . int8 else ( 16 , ' linear ' ) if self . args . half else ( 32 , None )
if bits < 32 :
ct_model = ct . models . neural_network . quantization_utils . quantize_weights ( ct_model , bits , mode )
if self . args . nms :
if self . args . nms and self . model . task == ' detect ' :
ct_model = self . _pipeline_coreml ( ct_model )
ct_model . short_description = self . metadata [ ' description ' ]
ct_model . author = self . metadata [ ' author ' ]
ct_model . license = self . metadata [ ' license ' ]
ct_model . version = self . metadata [ ' version ' ]
m = self . metadata # metadata dict
ct_model . short_description = m [ ' description ' ]
ct_model . author = m [ ' author ' ]
ct_model . license = m [ ' license ' ]
ct_model . version = m [ ' version ' ]
ct_model . user_defined_metadata . update ( { k : str ( v ) for k , v in m . items ( ) if k in ( ' stride ' , ' task ' , ' names ' ) } )
ct_model . save ( str ( f ) )
return f , ct_model
@ -497,14 +511,7 @@ class Exporter:
return f , None
def _export_saved_model ( self ,
nms = False ,
agnostic_nms = False ,
topk_per_class = 100 ,
topk_all = 100 ,
iou_thres = 0.45 ,
conf_thres = 0.25 ,
prefix = colorstr ( ' TensorFlow SavedModel: ' ) ) :
def _export_saved_model ( self , prefix = colorstr ( ' TensorFlow SavedModel: ' ) ) :
# YOLOv8 TensorFlow SavedModel export
try :
@ -562,6 +569,9 @@ class Exporter:
def _export_tflite ( self , keras_model , nms , agnostic_nms , prefix = colorstr ( ' TensorFlow Lite: ' ) ) :
# YOLOv8 TensorFlow Lite export
import tensorflow as tf # noqa
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } starting export with tensorflow { tf . __version__ } ... ' )
saved_model = Path ( str ( self . file ) . replace ( self . file . suffix , ' _saved_model ' ) )
if self . args . int8 :
f = saved_model / ( self . file . stem + ' yolov8n_integer_quant.tflite ' ) # fp32 in/out
@ -572,9 +582,6 @@ class Exporter:
return str ( f ) , None # noqa
# OLD VERSION BELOW ---------------------------------------------------------------
import tensorflow as tf # noqa
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } starting export with tensorflow { tf . __version__ } ... ' )
batch_size , ch , * imgsz = list ( self . im . shape ) # BCHW
f = str ( self . file ) . replace ( self . file . suffix , ' -fp16.tflite ' )
@ -619,7 +626,9 @@ class Exporter:
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } export requires Edge TPU compiler. Attempting install from { help_url } ' )
sudo = subprocess . run ( ' sudo --version >/dev/null ' , shell = True ) . returncode == 0 # sudo installed on system
for c in (
' curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add - ' ,
# 'curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -', # errors
' wget --no-check-certificate -q -O - https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | '
' sudo apt-key add - ' ,
' echo " deb https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt coral-edgetpu-stable main " | ' # no comma
' sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coral-edgetpu.list ' ,
' sudo apt-get update ' ,
@ -639,30 +648,36 @@ class Exporter:
def _export_tfjs ( self , prefix = colorstr ( ' TensorFlow.js: ' ) ) :
# YOLOv8 TensorFlow.js export
check_requirements ( ' tensorflowjs ' )
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflowjs as tfjs # noqa
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } starting export with tensorflowjs { tfjs . __version__ } ... ' )
f = str ( self . file ) . replace ( self . file . suffix , ' _web_model ' ) # js dir
f_pb = self . file . with_suffix ( ' .pb ' ) # *.pb path
f_json = Path ( f ) / ' model.json ' # *.json path
cmd = f ' tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model ' \
f ' --output_node_names=Identity,Identity_1,Identity_2,Identity_3 { f_pb } { f } '
gd = tf . Graph ( ) . as_graph_def ( ) # TF GraphDef
with open ( f_pb , ' rb ' ) as file :
gd . ParseFromString ( file . read ( ) )
outputs = ' , ' . join ( gd_outputs ( gd ) )
LOGGER . info ( f ' \n { prefix } output node names: { outputs } ' )
cmd = f ' tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model --output_node_names= { outputs } { f_pb } { f } '
subprocess . run ( cmd . split ( ) , check = True )
with open ( f_json , ' w ' ) as j : # sort JSON Identity_* in ascending order
subst = re . sub (
r ' { " outputs " : { " Identity.?.? " : { " name " : " Identity.?.? " }, '
r ' " Identity.?.? " : { " name " : " Identity.?.? " }, '
r ' " Identity.?.? " : { " name " : " Identity.?.? " }, '
r ' " Identity.?.? " : { " name " : " Identity.?.? " }}} ' ,
r ' { " outputs " : { " Identity " : { " name " : " Identity " }, '
r ' " Identity_1 " : { " name " : " Identity_1 " }, '
r ' " Identity_2 " : { " name " : " Identity_2 " }, '
r ' " Identity_3 " : { " name " : " Identity_3 " }}} ' ,
f_json . read_text ( ) ,
j . write ( subst )
# f_json = Path(f) / 'model.json' # *.json path
# with open(f_json, 'w') as j: # sort JSON Identity_* in ascending order
# subst = re.sub(
# r'{"outputs": {"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
# r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
# r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
# r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}}}',
# r'{"outputs": {"Identity": {"name": "Identity"}, '
# r'"Identity_1": {"name": "Identity_1"}, '
# r'"Identity_2": {"name": "Identity_2"}, '
# r'"Identity_3": {"name": "Identity_3"}}}',
# f_json.read_text(),
# )
# j.write(subst)
yaml_save ( Path ( f ) / ' metadata.yaml ' , self . metadata ) # add metadata.yaml
return f , None
@ -680,7 +695,7 @@ class Exporter:
model_meta . license = self . metadata [ ' license ' ]
# Label file
tmp_file = file . parent / ' temp_meta.txt '
tmp_file = Path ( file ) . parent / ' temp_meta.txt '
with open ( tmp_file , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( str ( self . metadata ) )
@ -718,7 +733,7 @@ class Exporter:
b . Finish ( model_meta . Pack ( b ) , _metadata . MetadataPopulator . METADATA_FILE_IDENTIFIER )
metadata_buf = b . Output ( )
populator = _metadata . MetadataPopulator . with_model_file ( file )
populator = _metadata . MetadataPopulator . with_model_file ( str ( file ) )
populator . load_metadata_buffer ( metadata_buf )
populator . load_associated_files ( [ str ( tmp_file ) ] )
populator . populate ( )