- `--save-img`: Flag to save the detection results as images.
- `--weights`: Specifies a different YOLOv8 model file (e.g., `yolov8n.pt`, `yolov8s.pt`, `yolov8m.pt`, `yolov8l.pt`, `yolov8x.pt`).
- `--classes`: Specifies the class to be detected
- `--line-thickness`: Specifies the bounding box thickness
- `--region-thickness`: Specifies the region boxes thickness
- `--track-thickness`: Specifies the track line thickness
@ -73,6 +77,8 @@ Region counting is a computational method utilized to ascertain the quantity of
The Region Counter offers the capability to create regions in various formats, such as polygons and rectangles. You have the flexibility to modify region attributes, including coordinates, colors, and other details, as demonstrated in the following code: