@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Explore the Ultralytics Docs, a comprehensive resource designed to help you unde
- **Predict** new images and videos with YOLO [:octicons-image-16: Predict on Images](modes/predict.md){ .md-button }
- **Train** a new YOLO model on your own custom dataset [:fontawesome-solid-brain: Train a Model](modes/train.md){ .md-button }
- **Tasks** YOLO tasks like segment, classify, pose and track [:material-magnify-expand: Explore Tasks](tasks/index.md){ .md-button }
- **[YOLO11](models/yolo11.md) NEW 🚀**: Ultralytics' latest SOTA models [:material-magnify-expand: Explore a Dataset](models/yolo11.md){ .md-button }
- **[YOLO11](models/yolo11.md) NEW 🚀**: Ultralytics' latest SOTA models [:material-magnify-expand: Explore new YOLO11 models](models/yolo11.md){ .md-button }