<imgwidth="1024"src="https://github.com/ultralytics/docs/releases/download/0/ultralytics-yolov8-ecosystem-integrations.avif"alt="Ultralytics YOLO ecosystem and integrations">
The ultimate goal of training a model is to deploy it for real-world applications. Export mode in Ultralytics YOLOv8 offers a versatile range of options for exporting your trained model to different formats, making it deployable across various platforms and devices. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the nuances of model exporting, showcasing how to achieve maximum compatibility and performance.
This table details the configurations and options available for exporting YOLO models to different formats. These settings are critical for optimizing the exported model's performance, size, and compatibility across various platforms and environments. Proper configuration ensures that the model is ready for deployment in the intended application with optimal efficiency.
Adjusting these parameters allows for customization of the export process to fit specific requirements, such as deployment environment, hardware constraints, and performance targets. Selecting the appropriate format and settings is essential for achieving the best balance between model size, speed, and accuracy.
Available YOLOv8 export formats are in the table below. You can export to any format using the `format` argument, i.e. `format='onnx'` or `format='engine'`. You can predict or validate directly on exported models, i.e. `yolo predict model=yolov8n.onnx`. Usage examples are shown for your model after export completes.
### What are the benefits of using TensorRT for model export?
Using TensorRT for model export offers significant performance improvements. YOLOv8 models exported to TensorRT can achieve up to a 5x GPU speedup, making it ideal for real-time inference applications.
- **Versatility:** Optimize models for a specific hardware setup.
- **Speed:** Achieve faster inference through advanced optimizations.
- **Compatibility:** Integrate smoothly with NVIDIA hardware.
### How do I enable INT8 quantization when exporting my YOLOv8 model?
INT8 quantization is an excellent way to compress the model and speed up inference, especially on edge devices. Here's how you can enable INT8 quantization:
INT8 quantization can be applied to various formats, such as TensorRT and CoreML. More details can be found in the [Export section](../modes/export.md).
### Why is dynamic input size important when exporting models?
Dynamic input size allows the exported model to handle varying image dimensions, providing flexibility and optimizing processing efficiency for different use cases. When exporting to formats like ONNX or TensorRT, enabling dynamic input size ensures that the model can adapt to different input shapes seamlessly.
To enable this feature, use the `dynamic=True` flag during export: