In this format, `<class-index>` is the index of the class for the object,`<x><y><width><height>` are coordinates of bounding box, and `<px1> <py1> <px2> <py2> ... <pxn> <pyn>` are the pixel coordinates of the keypoints. The coordinates are separated by spaces.
The Ultralytics framework uses a YAML file format to define the dataset and model configuration for training Detection Models. Here is an example of the YAML format used for defining a detection dataset:
(Optional) if the points are symmetric then need flip_idx, like left-right side of human or face. For example if we assume five keypoints of facial landmark: [left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth, right mouth], and the original index is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], then flip_idx is [1, 0, 2, 4, 3] (just exchange the left-right index, i.e 0-1 and 3-4, and do not modify others like nose in this example).
- **Description**: COCO-Pose is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and pose estimation dataset. It is a subset of the popular COCO dataset and focuses on human pose estimation. COCO-Pose includes multiple keypoints for each human instance.
- **Label Format**: Same as Ultralytics YOLO format as described above, with keypoints for human poses.
- **Number of Classes**: 1 (Human).
- **Keypoints**: 17 keypoints including nose, eyes, ears, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
- **Usage**: Suitable for training human pose estimation models.
- **Additional Notes**: The dataset is rich and diverse, containing over 200k labeled images.
- **Description**: [Ultralytics]( COCO8-Pose is a small, but versatile pose detection dataset composed of the first 8 images of the COCO train 2017 set, 4 for training and 4 for validation.
- **Label Format**: Same as Ultralytics YOLO format as described above, with keypoints for human poses.
- **Number of Classes**: 1 (Human).
- **Keypoints**: 17 keypoints including nose, eyes, ears, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
- **Usage**: Suitable for testing and debugging object detection models, or for experimenting with new detection approaches.
- **Additional Notes**: COCO8-Pose is ideal for sanity checks and CI checks.
- **Description**: [Ultralytics]( This animal pose dataset comprises 263 images sourced from a [YouTube Video](, with 210 images allocated for training and 53 for validation.
- **Label Format**: Same as Ultralytics YOLO format as described above, with 12 keypoints for animal pose and no visible dimension.
- **Number of Classes**: 1 (Tiger).
- **Keypoints**: 12 keypoints.
- **Usage**: Great for animal pose or any other pose that is not human-based.
If you have your own dataset and would like to use it for training pose estimation models with Ultralytics YOLO format, ensure that it follows the format specified above under "Ultralytics YOLO format". Convert your annotations to the required format and specify the paths, number of classes, and class names in the YAML configuration file.
### Conversion Tool
Ultralytics provides a convenient conversion tool to convert labels from the popular COCO dataset format to YOLO format:
This conversion tool can be used to convert the COCO dataset or any dataset in the COCO format to the Ultralytics YOLO format. The `use_keypoints` parameter specifies whether to include keypoints (for pose estimation) in the converted labels.