description: Learn how to profile speed and accuracy of YOLOv8 across various export formats; get insights on mAP50-95, accuracy_top5 metrics, and more.
Once your model is trained and validated, the next logical step is to evaluate its performance in various real-world scenarios. Benchmark mode in Ultralytics YOLOv8 serves this purpose by providing a robust framework for assessing the speed and accuracy of your model across a range of export formats.
Arguments such as `model`, `data`, `imgsz`, `half`, `device`, and `verbose` provide users with the flexibility to fine-tune the benchmarks to their specific needs and compare the performance of different export formats with ease.
| `model` | `None` | Specifies the path to the model file. Accepts both `.pt` and `.yaml` formats, e.g., `""` for pre-trained models or configuration files. |
| `data` | `None` | Path to a YAML file defining the dataset for benchmarking, typically including paths and settings for validation data. Example: `"coco8.yaml"`. |
| `imgsz` | `640` | The input image size for the model. Can be a single integer for square images or a tuple `(width, height)` for non-square, e.g., `(640, 480)`. |
| `half` | `False` | Enables FP16 (half-precision) inference, reducing memory usage and possibly increasing speed on compatible hardware. Use `half=True` to enable. |
| `int8` | `False` | Activates INT8 quantization for further optimized performance on supported devices, especially useful for edge devices. Set `int8=True` to use. |
| `device` | `None` | Defines the computation device(s) for benchmarking, such as `"cpu"`, `"cuda:0"`, or a list of devices like `"cuda:0,1"` for multi-GPU setups. |
| `verbose` | `False` | Controls the level of detail in logging output. A boolean value; set `verbose=True` for detailed logs or a float for thresholding errors. |