@ -8,32 +8,49 @@ import time
import psutil
def in_group_or_reaped ( pid ) :
try :
return os . getpgid ( pid ) == os . getpgid ( 0 )
except OSError :
return True
def main ( ) :
p = subprocess . Popen ( [ os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " stage_2.py " ) ] )
p . wait ( )
stage_2 = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " stage_2.py " )
sub process . Popen ( [ stage_2 ] ) . wait ( )
# In tests, we assume this process is the direct child of init
this_process = psutil . Process ( os . getpid ( ) )
init_process = this_process . parent ( )
print ( " Reaping test: stage_1 is pid {0} , init is pid {1} " . format ( this_process . pid , init_process . pid ) )
print ( " Reaping test: stage_1 is pid {0} , init is pid {1} " . format (
this_process . pid , init_process . pid ) )
# The only child PID that should persist is this one.
expected_pids = [ this_process . pid ]
print ( " Expecting pids to remain: {0} " . format ( " , " . join ( str ( pid ) for pid in expected_pids ) ) )
print ( " Expecting pids to remain: {0} " . format (
" , " . join ( str ( pid ) for pid in expected_pids ) ) )
while 1 :
pids = [ p . pid for p in init_process . children ( recursive = True ) ]
print ( " Has pids: {0} " . format ( " , " . join ( str ( pid ) for pid in pids ) ) )
for pid in pids :
assert in_group_or_reaped ( pid ) , " Child had unexpected pgid "
if set ( pids ) == set ( expected_pids ) :
time . sleep ( 1 )
# Now, check if there are any zombies
# Now, check if there are any zombies. For each of the potential zombies,
# we check that the pgid is ours. NOTE: We explicitly test that this test
# fails if subreaping is disabled, so we can be confident this doesn't turn
# a failure into a success.
for process in psutil . process_iter ( ) :
if process . name ( ) == " sleep " :
print ( " At least one ' sleep ' process was still alive or not reaped! (pid {0} ) " . format ( process . pid ) )
if process . pid == this_process . pid :
if not in_group_or_reaped ( process . pid ) :
print ( " Not reaped: pid {0} : {1} " . format ( process . pid , process . name ( ) ) )
sys . exit ( 1 )
sys . exit ( 0 )