Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)

197 lines
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Conformance.pbobjc.h"
#import "editions/golden/TestMessagesProto2Editions.pbobjc.h"
#import "editions/golden/TestMessagesProto3Editions.pbobjc.h"
#import "google/protobuf/TestMessagesProto2.pbobjc.h"
#import "google/protobuf/TestMessagesProto3.pbobjc.h"
#import "test_protos/TestMessagesEdition2023.pbobjc.h"
static void Die(NSString *format, ...) __dead2;
static BOOL verbose = NO;
static int32_t testCount = 0;
static void Die(NSString *format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
NSString *msg = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:args];
NSLog(@"%@", msg);
[msg release];
static NSData *CheckedReadDataOfLength(NSFileHandle *handle, NSUInteger numBytes) {
NSData *data = [handle readDataOfLength:numBytes];
NSUInteger dataLen = data.length;
if (dataLen == 0) {
return nil; // EOF.
if (dataLen != numBytes) {
Die(@"Failed to read the request length (%d), only got: %@", numBytes, data);
return data;
static ConformanceResponse *DoTest(ConformanceRequest *request) {
ConformanceResponse *response = [ConformanceResponse message];
GPBMessage *testMessage = nil;
switch (request.payloadOneOfCase) {
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_GPBUnsetOneOfCase:
response.runtimeError =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Request didn't have a payload: %@", request];
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_ProtobufPayload: {
NSDictionary *mappings = @{
@"protobuf_test_messages.proto2.TestAllTypesProto2" : [Proto2TestAllTypesProto2 class],
@"protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3" : [Proto3TestAllTypesProto3 class],
@"protobuf_test_messages.editions.TestAllTypesEdition2023" :
[EditionsTestAllTypesEdition2023 class],
@"protobuf_test_messages.editions.proto2.TestAllTypesProto2" :
[EditionsProto2TestAllTypesProto2 class],
@"protobuf_test_messages.editions.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3" :
[EditionsProto3TestAllTypesProto3 class],
Class msgClass = mappings[request.messageType];
if (msgClass) {
NSError *error = nil;
testMessage = [msgClass parseFromData:request.protobufPayload error:&error];
if (!testMessage) {
response.parseError = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Parse error: %@", error];
} else {
response.runtimeError =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Protobuf request had an unknown message_type: %@",
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_JsonPayload:
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support parsing JSON";
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_JspbPayload:
response.skipped = @"ConformanceRequest had a jspb_payload ConformanceRequest.payload;"
" those aren't supposed to happen with opensource.";
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_TextPayload:
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support parsing TextFormat";
if (testMessage) {
switch (request.requestedOutputFormat) {
case ConformanceWireFormat_GPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue:
case ConformanceWireFormat_Unspecified:
response.runtimeError =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unrecognized/unspecified output format: %@", request];
case ConformanceWireFormat_Protobuf:
response.protobufPayload =;
if (!response.protobufPayload) {
response.serializeError =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to make data from: %@", testMessage];
case ConformanceWireFormat_Json:
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support generating JSON";
case ConformanceWireFormat_Jspb:
response.skipped =
@"ConformanceRequest had a requested_output_format of JSPB WireFormat; that"
" isn't supposed to happen with opensource.";
case ConformanceWireFormat_TextFormat:
// ObjC only has partial objc generation, so don't attempt any tests that need
// support.
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support generating TextFormat";
return response;
static uint32_t UInt32FromLittleEndianData(NSData *data) {
if (data.length != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
Die(@"Data not the right size for uint32_t: %@", data);
uint32_t value;
memcpy(&value, data.bytes, sizeof(uint32_t));
return CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(value);
static NSData *UInt32ToLittleEndianData(uint32_t num) {
uint32_t value = CFSwapInt32HostToLittle(num);
return [NSData dataWithBytes:&value length:sizeof(uint32_t)];
static BOOL DoTestIo(NSFileHandle *input, NSFileHandle *output) {
// See for the wire format.
NSData *data = CheckedReadDataOfLength(input, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!data) {
// EOF.
return NO;
uint32_t numBytes = UInt32FromLittleEndianData(data);
data = CheckedReadDataOfLength(input, numBytes);
if (!data) {
Die(@"Failed to read request");
NSError *error = nil;
ConformanceRequest *request = [ConformanceRequest parseFromData:data error:&error];
if (!request) {
Die(@"Failed to parse the message data: %@", error);
ConformanceResponse *response = DoTest(request);
if (!response) {
Die(@"Failed to make a reply from %@", request);
data =;
[output writeData:UInt32ToLittleEndianData((int32_t)data.length)];
[output writeData:data];
if (verbose) {
NSLog(@"Request: %@", request);
NSLog(@"Response: %@", response);
return YES;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSFileHandle *input = [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput] retain];
NSFileHandle *output = [[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] retain];
BOOL notDone = YES;
while (notDone) {
@autoreleasepool {
notDone = DoTestIo(input, output);
NSLog(@"Received EOF from test runner after %d tests, exiting.", testCount);
return 0;