Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
//! Traits that are implemented by codegen types.
use crate::__internal::SealedInternal;
use crate::{MutProxied, MutProxy, ViewProxy};
use create::Parse;
use interop::{MessageMutInterop, MessageViewInterop, OwnedMessageInterop};
use read::Serialize;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use write::{Clear, ClearAndParse, MergeFrom};
/// A trait that all generated owned message types implement.
pub trait Message: SealedInternal
+ MutProxied
// Create traits:
+ Parse + Default
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Write traits:
+ Clear + ClearAndParse + MergeFrom
// Thread safety:
+ Send + Sync
// Copy/Clone:
+ Clone
// C++ Interop:
+ OwnedMessageInterop
/// A trait that all generated message views implement.
pub trait MessageView<'msg>: SealedInternal
+ ViewProxy<'msg, Proxied = Self::Message>
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Thread safety:
+ Send + Sync
// Copy/Clone:
+ Copy + Clone
// C++ Interop:
+ MessageViewInterop<'msg>
type Message: Message;
/// A trait that all generated message muts implement.
pub trait MessageMut<'msg>: SealedInternal
+ MutProxy<'msg, MutProxied = Self::Message>
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Write traits:
// TODO: MsgMut should impl ClearAndParse.
+ Clear + MergeFrom
// Thread safety:
+ Sync
// Copy/Clone:
// (Neither)
// C++ Interop:
+ MessageMutInterop<'msg>
type Message: Message;
/// Operations related to constructing a message. Only owned messages implement
/// these traits.
pub(crate) mod create {
use super::SealedInternal;
pub trait Parse: SealedInternal + Sized {
fn parse(serialized: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, crate::ParseError>;
/// Operations related to reading some aspect of a message (methods that would
/// have a `&self` receiver on an owned message). Owned messages, views, and
/// muts all implement these traits.
pub(crate) mod read {
use super::SealedInternal;
pub trait Serialize: SealedInternal {
fn serialize(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, crate::SerializeError>;
/// Operations related to mutating a message (methods that would have a `&mut
/// self` receiver on an owned message). Owned messages and muts implement these
/// traits.
pub(crate) mod write {
use super::SealedInternal;
use crate::AsView;
pub trait Clear: SealedInternal {
fn clear(&mut self);
pub trait ClearAndParse: SealedInternal {
fn clear_and_parse(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), crate::ParseError>;
pub trait MergeFrom: AsView + SealedInternal {
fn merge_from(&mut self, src: impl AsView<Proxied = Self::Proxied>);
/// Traits related to interop with C or C++.
/// These traits are deliberately not available on the prelude, as they should
/// be used rarely and with great care.
pub(crate) mod interop {
use super::SealedInternal;
use std::ffi::c_void;
/// Traits related to owned message interop. Note that these trait fns
/// are only available on C++ kernel as upb interop of owned messages
/// requires more work to handle the Arena behavior.
pub trait OwnedMessageInterop: SealedInternal {
/// Drops `self` and returns an underlying pointer that it was wrapping
/// without deleting it.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring the returned pointer is
/// subsequently deleted (eg by moving it into a std::unique_ptr in
/// C++), or else it will leak.
fn __unstable_leak_raw_message(self) -> *mut c_void;
/// Takes exclusive ownership of the `raw_message`.
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying message must be for the same type as `Self`
/// - The pointer passed in must not be used by the caller after being
/// passed here (must not be read, written, or deleted)
unsafe fn __unstable_take_ownership_of_raw_message(raw_message: *mut c_void) -> Self;
/// Traits related to message view interop.
pub trait MessageViewInterop<'msg>: SealedInternal {
/// Borrows `self` as an underlying C++ raw pointer.
/// Note that the returned Value must be used under the same constraints
/// as though it were a borrow of `self`: it should be treated as a
/// `const Message*` in C++, and not be mutated in any way, and any
/// mutation to the parent message may invalidate it, and it
/// must not be deleted.
fn __unstable_as_raw_message(&self) -> *const c_void;
/// Wraps the provided pointer as a MessageView.
/// This takes a ref of a pointer so that a stack variable's lifetime
/// can be used for a safe lifetime; under most cases this is
/// the correct lifetime and this should be used as:
/// ```
/// fn called_from_cpp(msg: *const c_void) {
/// // `msg` is known live for the current stack frame, so view's
/// // lifetime is also tied to the current stack frame here:
/// let view = unsafe { __unstable_wrap_raw_message(&msg); }
/// do_something_with_view(view);
/// }
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying message must be for the same type as `Self`
/// - The underlying message must be alive for 'msg and not mutated
/// while the wrapper is live.
unsafe fn __unstable_wrap_raw_message(raw: &'msg *const c_void) -> Self;
/// Wraps the provided pointer as a MessageView.
/// Unlike `__unstable_wrap_raw_message` this has no constraints
/// on lifetime: the caller has a free choice for the lifetime.
/// As this is much easier to get the lifetime wrong than
/// `__unstable_wrap_raw_message`, prefer using that wherever
/// your lifetime can be tied to a stack lifetime, and only use this one
/// if its not possible (e.g. with a 'static lifetime).
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying message must be for the same type as `Self`
/// - The underlying message must be alive for the caller-chosen 'msg
/// and not mutated while the wrapper is live.
unsafe fn __unstable_wrap_raw_message_unchecked_lifetime(raw: *const c_void) -> Self;
/// Traits related to message mut interop. Note that these trait fns
/// are only available on C++ kernel as upb interop of owned messages
/// requires more work to handle the Arena behavior.
pub trait MessageMutInterop<'msg>: SealedInternal {
/// Exclusive borrows `self` as an underlying mutable C++ raw pointer.
/// Note that the returned Value must be used under the same constraints
/// as though it were a mut borrow of `self`: it should be treated as a
/// non-owned `Message*` in C++. And any mutation to the parent message
/// may invalidate it, and it must not be deleted.
fn __unstable_as_raw_message_mut(&mut self) -> *mut c_void;
/// Wraps the provided C++ pointer as a MessageMut.
/// This takes a ref of a pointer so that a stack variable's lifetime
/// can be used for a safe lifetime; under most cases this is
/// the correct lifetime and this should be used as:
/// ```
/// fn called_from_cpp(msg: *mut c_void) {
/// // `msg` is known live for the current stack frame, so mut's
/// // lifetime is also tied to the current stack frame here:
/// let m = unsafe { __unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut(&mut msg); }
/// do_something_with_mut(m);
/// }
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying message must be for the same type as `Self`
/// - The underlying message must be alive for 'msg and not read or
/// mutated while the wrapper is live.
unsafe fn __unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut(raw: &'msg mut *mut c_void) -> Self;
/// Wraps the provided pointer as a MessageMut.
/// Unlike `__unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut` this has no constraints
/// on lifetime: the caller has a free choice for the lifetime.
/// As this is much easier to get the lifetime wrong than
/// `__unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut`, prefer using that wherever
/// the lifetime can be tied to a stack lifetime, and only use this one
/// if its not possible (e.g. with a 'static lifetime).
/// # Safety
/// - The underlying message must be for the same type as `Self`
/// - The underlying message must be alive for the caller-chosen 'msg
/// and not mutated while the wrapper is live.
unsafe fn __unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut_unchecked_lifetime(raw: *mut c_void) -> Self;