Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (grpc依赖)
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// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
use googletest::prelude::*;
use protobuf_cpp::prelude::*;
use protobuf_cpp::__runtime::PtrAndLen;
use protobuf_cpp::{MessageMutInterop, MessageViewInterop, OwnedMessageInterop};
use std::ffi::c_void;
use unittest_rust_proto::{TestAllExtensions, TestAllTypes, TestAllTypesMut, TestAllTypesView};
macro_rules! proto_assert_eq {
($lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => {{
let lhs = &$lhs;
let rhs = &$rhs;
assert_that!(lhs.optional_int64(), eq(rhs.optional_int64()));
assert_that!(lhs.optional_bytes(), eq(rhs.optional_bytes()));
assert_that!(lhs.optional_bool(), eq(rhs.optional_bool()));
// Helper functions invoking C++ Protobuf APIs directly in C++.
// Defined in ``.
extern "C" {
fn TakeOwnershipAndGetOptionalInt32(msg: *mut c_void) -> i32;
fn DeserializeTestAllTypes(data: *const u8, len: usize) -> *mut c_void;
fn MutateTestAllTypes(msg: *mut c_void);
fn SerializeTestAllTypes(msg: *const c_void) -> protobuf_cpp::__runtime::SerializedData;
fn DeleteTestAllTypes(msg: *mut c_void);
fn NewWithExtension() -> *mut c_void;
fn GetBytesExtension(msg: *const c_void) -> PtrAndLen;
fn send_to_cpp() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
let i = unsafe { TakeOwnershipAndGetOptionalInt32(msg1.__unstable_leak_raw_message()) };
assert_eq!(i, 7);
fn mutate_message_mut_in_cpp() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
unsafe {
let mut msg2 = TestAllTypes::new();
msg2.set_optional_bytes(b"something mysterious");
proto_assert_eq!(msg1, msg2);
fn deserialize_in_rust() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
msg1.set_optional_bytes(b"some cool data I guess");
let serialized = unsafe { SerializeTestAllTypes(msg1.as_view().__unstable_as_raw_message()) };
let msg2 = TestAllTypes::parse(&serialized).unwrap();
proto_assert_eq!(msg1, msg2);
fn deserialize_in_cpp() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
msg1.set_optional_bytes(b"some cool data I guess");
let data = msg1.serialize().unwrap();
let msg2 = unsafe {
proto_assert_eq!(msg1, msg2);
fn deserialize_in_cpp_into_mut() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
msg1.set_optional_bytes(b"some cool data I guess");
let data = msg1.serialize().unwrap();
let mut raw_msg = unsafe { DeserializeTestAllTypes((*data).as_ptr(), data.len()) };
let msg2 = unsafe { TestAllTypesMut::__unstable_wrap_raw_message_mut(&mut raw_msg) };
proto_assert_eq!(msg1, msg2);
// The C++ still owns the message here and needs to delete it.
unsafe {
fn deserialize_in_cpp_into_view() {
let mut msg1 = TestAllTypes::new();
msg1.set_optional_bytes(b"some cool data I guess");
let data = msg1.serialize().unwrap();
let raw_msg = unsafe { DeserializeTestAllTypes((*data).as_ptr(), data.len()) };
let const_msg = raw_msg as *const _;
let msg2 = unsafe { TestAllTypesView::__unstable_wrap_raw_message(&const_msg) };
proto_assert_eq!(msg1, msg2);
// The C++ still owns the message here and needs to delete it.
unsafe {
// This test ensures that random fields we (Rust) don't know about don't
// accidentally get destroyed by Rust.
fn smuggle_extension() {
let msg1 =
unsafe { TestAllExtensions::__unstable_take_ownership_of_raw_message(NewWithExtension()) };
let data = msg1.serialize().unwrap();
let mut msg2 = TestAllExtensions::parse(&data).unwrap();
let bytes =
unsafe { GetBytesExtension(msg2.as_mut().__unstable_as_raw_message_mut()).as_ref() };
assert_eq!(bytes, b"smuggled");